Q3099476 (Q3099476): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): General objective: Improve the response capacity of the health units in Arad County to fight the COVID-19 virus. The project “Improving the capacity of medical facilities in Arad County in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” contributes to the result indicator of the programme “Adequate capacity to care and treat cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management”. If, prior to the investments proposed by this project, the care and tr...)
Property / summary
General objective: Improve the response capacity of the health units in Arad County to fight the COVID-19 virus. The project “Improving the capacity of medical facilities in Arad County in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” contributes to the result indicator of the programme “Adequate capacity to care and treat cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management”. If, prior to the investments proposed by this project, the care and treatment capacity of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients was not adequate, this capacity was significantly improved through the proposed investments as well as other investments. COVID-19 is a health crisis caused by the high degree of contagiousness and the extremely rapid spread of the disease. Before this crisis, patients with infectious pathology were directed to infectious disease wards where there were rigorous epidemiological circuits. The Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases of SCJUA was operating in an improper building, which is in an advanced state of degradation, so that in recent years difficulties have been encountered in obtaining the Sanitary Operating Authorisation. Arad County is currently implementing a project where a new building dedicated to this section will be built. At the end of March, the Adult Infectious Diseases Section was relocated to the building where Pneumology I and II functioned together with TBC compartments on Ludwig Roth Street, to isolate patients suspected or confirmed with SARS CoV-2. Also, in response to the problems created by the high degree of contagiousness, in addition to the relocation of the infectious disease section, epidemiological triage was organised and all medical and ITA sections were structurally modified in terms of locations to ensure the necessary epidemiological circuits. The division of sections to ensure separate circuits for COVID-19 infected and non-infected patients, due to the flag character of SCJUA, has in some cases involved the organisation of a section in two separate buildings, which is why it was necessary to supplement medical equipment to ensure the proper functioning of the section. The coronavirus can cause serious health problems or even death, especially when it encounters a weakened immune system and other conditions. The most common complication of SARS CoV-2 infection is Severe Acute Respiratory Insufficiency, a complication that requires support for respiratory function in sections of Intensive Care, the most vulnerable being the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions. As a result, part of the equipment needed to support including severe and critical cases, ensuring patient monitoring, maintaining vital functions and applying treatment, manoeuvres have been purchased. (English)
Property / summary: General objective: Improve the response capacity of the health units in Arad County to fight the COVID-19 virus. The project “Improving the capacity of medical facilities in Arad County in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” contributes to the result indicator of the programme “Adequate capacity to care and treat cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management”. If, prior to the investments proposed by this project, the care and treatment capacity of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients was not adequate, this capacity was significantly improved through the proposed investments as well as other investments. COVID-19 is a health crisis caused by the high degree of contagiousness and the extremely rapid spread of the disease. Before this crisis, patients with infectious pathology were directed to infectious disease wards where there were rigorous epidemiological circuits. The Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases of SCJUA was operating in an improper building, which is in an advanced state of degradation, so that in recent years difficulties have been encountered in obtaining the Sanitary Operating Authorisation. Arad County is currently implementing a project where a new building dedicated to this section will be built. At the end of March, the Adult Infectious Diseases Section was relocated to the building where Pneumology I and II functioned together with TBC compartments on Ludwig Roth Street, to isolate patients suspected or confirmed with SARS CoV-2. Also, in response to the problems created by the high degree of contagiousness, in addition to the relocation of the infectious disease section, epidemiological triage was organised and all medical and ITA sections were structurally modified in terms of locations to ensure the necessary epidemiological circuits. The division of sections to ensure separate circuits for COVID-19 infected and non-infected patients, due to the flag character of SCJUA, has in some cases involved the organisation of a section in two separate buildings, which is why it was necessary to supplement medical equipment to ensure the proper functioning of the section. The coronavirus can cause serious health problems or even death, especially when it encounters a weakened immune system and other conditions. The most common complication of SARS CoV-2 infection is Severe Acute Respiratory Insufficiency, a complication that requires support for respiratory function in sections of Intensive Care, the most vulnerable being the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions. As a result, part of the equipment needed to support including severe and critical cases, ensuring patient monitoring, maintaining vital functions and applying treatment, manoeuvres have been purchased. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: General objective: Improve the response capacity of the health units in Arad County to fight the COVID-19 virus. The project “Improving the capacity of medical facilities in Arad County in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” contributes to the result indicator of the programme “Adequate capacity to care and treat cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management”. If, prior to the investments proposed by this project, the care and treatment capacity of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients was not adequate, this capacity was significantly improved through the proposed investments as well as other investments. COVID-19 is a health crisis caused by the high degree of contagiousness and the extremely rapid spread of the disease. Before this crisis, patients with infectious pathology were directed to infectious disease wards where there were rigorous epidemiological circuits. The Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases of SCJUA was operating in an improper building, which is in an advanced state of degradation, so that in recent years difficulties have been encountered in obtaining the Sanitary Operating Authorisation. Arad County is currently implementing a project where a new building dedicated to this section will be built. At the end of March, the Adult Infectious Diseases Section was relocated to the building where Pneumology I and II functioned together with TBC compartments on Ludwig Roth Street, to isolate patients suspected or confirmed with SARS CoV-2. Also, in response to the problems created by the high degree of contagiousness, in addition to the relocation of the infectious disease section, epidemiological triage was organised and all medical and ITA sections were structurally modified in terms of locations to ensure the necessary epidemiological circuits. The division of sections to ensure separate circuits for COVID-19 infected and non-infected patients, due to the flag character of SCJUA, has in some cases involved the organisation of a section in two separate buildings, which is why it was necessary to supplement medical equipment to ensure the proper functioning of the section. The coronavirus can cause serious health problems or even death, especially when it encounters a weakened immune system and other conditions. The most common complication of SARS CoV-2 infection is Severe Acute Respiratory Insufficiency, a complication that requires support for respiratory function in sections of Intensive Care, the most vulnerable being the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions. As a result, part of the equipment needed to support including severe and critical cases, ensuring patient monitoring, maintaining vital functions and applying treatment, manoeuvres have been purchased. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:59, 16 September 2021

Project Q3099476 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3099476 in Romania


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    18,658,086.99 Romanian Leu
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    3,731,617.398 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    18,658,086.99 Romanian Leu
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    3,731,617.398 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    31 August 2020
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    30 April 2021
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    44°28'12.94"N, 26°2'50.75"E
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    Obiectivul general: Îmbunătățirea capacității de răspuns a unităților sanitare din județul Arad pentru combaterea virusului COVID-19. Proiectul ”Îmbunătățirea capacității unităților medicale din județul Arad în contextul pandemiei COVID-19” contribuie la indicatorul de rezultat al programului ”Capacitate adecvată de îngrijire și tratament a cazurilor de infecție cu virusul SARS-CoV-2/ de gestionare a crizei sanitare”. Dacă înainte de realizarea investițiilor propuse prin prezentul proiect, capacitatea de îngrijire și tratament a pacienților infectați cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 nu era corespunzătoare, prin investițiile propuse, precum și prin alte investiții, s-a ameliorat simțitor această capacitate. COVID-19 este o criză sanitară generată de gradul ridicat de contagiozitate şi răspândirea extrem de rapidă a bolii. Înainte de această criză, pacienții cu patologie infecțioasă erau îndreptați către secțiile de boli infecțioase în care existau circuite epidemiologice riguroase. Secţia Clinică de Boli Infecţioase a SCJUA funcționa într-o clădire improprie, aflată în stare avansată de degradare, astfel încât în ultimii ani au fost întâmpinate dificultăţi în obţinerea Autorizaţiei Sanitare de Funcţionare. În prezent, Județul Arad implementează un proiect în cadrul căruia se va construi o nouă clădire dedicată acestei secții. La sfârșitul lui martie, Secția de Boli Infecțioase Adulți a fost relocată în clădirea în care funcționau secțiile Pneumologie I și II împreună cu compartimentele TBC din strada Ludwig Roth, pentru izolarea pacienților suspecți sau confirmați cu SARS CoV-2. De asemenea, ca răspuns la problemele create de gradul ridicat de contagiozitate, pe lângă relocarea secției de boli infecțioase, a fost organizat triajul epidemiologic și au fost modificate structural din punct de vedere al locațiilor toate secțiile medicale și ATI pentru a asigura circuitele epidemiologice necesare. Împărțirea secțiilor în vederea asigurării separate a circuitelor pentru pacienții infectați și a celor neinfectați cu COVID-19, datorită caracterului pavilionar al SCJUA, a implicat în unele cazuri organizarea unei secții în două clădiri distincte, motiv pentru care a fost necesară suplimentarea cu aparatură medicală pentru a asigura buna funcționare a secției. Coronavirusul poate cauza probleme grave de sănătate sau chiar deces, mai ales atunci când întâlneşte un sistem imunitar slăbit şi de alte afecţiuni. Cea mai frecventă complicație a infecției SARS CoV-2 este Insuficiența Respiratorie Acută Severă, complicație care necesită susținerea funcției respiratorii în secțiile de Terapie Intensivă, cele mai vulnerabile persoane dovedindu-se a fi persoanele vârstnice și cele care prezintă afecțiuni medicale preexistente. În consecință, s-au achiziționat o parte a echipamentelor necesare susținerii inclusiv a cazurile severe și critice, asigurării monitorizării pacientului, menținerii funcțiilor vitale și de aplicare a tratamentului, efectuării manevrelor (Romanian)
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    General objective: Improve the response capacity of the health units in Arad County to fight the COVID-19 virus. The project “Improving the capacity of medical facilities in Arad County in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” contributes to the result indicator of the programme “Adequate capacity to care and treat cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2/health crisis management”. If, prior to the investments proposed by this project, the care and treatment capacity of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients was not adequate, this capacity was significantly improved through the proposed investments as well as other investments. COVID-19 is a health crisis caused by the high degree of contagiousness and the extremely rapid spread of the disease. Before this crisis, patients with infectious pathology were directed to infectious disease wards where there were rigorous epidemiological circuits. The Clinical Department of Infectious Diseases of SCJUA was operating in an improper building, which is in an advanced state of degradation, so that in recent years difficulties have been encountered in obtaining the Sanitary Operating Authorisation. Arad County is currently implementing a project where a new building dedicated to this section will be built. At the end of March, the Adult Infectious Diseases Section was relocated to the building where Pneumology I and II functioned together with TBC compartments on Ludwig Roth Street, to isolate patients suspected or confirmed with SARS CoV-2. Also, in response to the problems created by the high degree of contagiousness, in addition to the relocation of the infectious disease section, epidemiological triage was organised and all medical and ITA sections were structurally modified in terms of locations to ensure the necessary epidemiological circuits. The division of sections to ensure separate circuits for COVID-19 infected and non-infected patients, due to the flag character of SCJUA, has in some cases involved the organisation of a section in two separate buildings, which is why it was necessary to supplement medical equipment to ensure the proper functioning of the section. The coronavirus can cause serious health problems or even death, especially when it encounters a weakened immune system and other conditions. The most common complication of SARS CoV-2 infection is Severe Acute Respiratory Insufficiency, a complication that requires support for respiratory function in sections of Intensive Care, the most vulnerable being the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions. As a result, part of the equipment needed to support including severe and critical cases, ensuring patient monitoring, maintaining vital functions and applying treatment, manoeuvres have been purchased. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Arad, Romania
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    Oraş Ineu, Romania
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