Q3097873 (Q3097873): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective is to improve the administrative capacity, quality and efficiency of public services provided at ATU Tecuci Municipality, Galați County, in the less developed South-East region, through integrated and complementary investments according to European and national regulations (institutional strategic planning, implementation of integrated urban development strategy of Tecuci Municipality, IT system for electronic archive and i...)
Property / summary
The general objective is to improve the administrative capacity, quality and efficiency of public services provided at ATU Tecuci Municipality, Galați County, in the less developed South-East region, through integrated and complementary investments according to European and national regulations (institutional strategic planning, implementation of integrated urban development strategy of Tecuci Municipality, IT system for electronic archive and implementation of a personalised IT system for optimising local administration services). By elaborating the Institutional Strategic Plan, some framework procedures for adopting the local council, digitising archive documents and document amdinistisation processes, preparing about 70 people for a performance and efficient administration at local level, the project contributes to the achievement of the general objective POCA 2014-2020. In the long term, the establishment of working groups, specific and simplified standard procedures for reducing bureaucracy, digitalisation of document administration processes (archiving, registrar) contributes to the development of a quality culture in public administration, to the creation of an efficient local administration, capable of providing efficient services and generating socio-economic development at the level of the community. The project supports Priority Axis 2 POCA: “Accessible and transparent public administration and judicial system”, because through its activities, Activity 3 (strategic planning actions – realisation of Integrated Urban Development Strategy of Tecuci Municipality, elaboration of institutional strategic plan, elaboration of framework procedures for adoption of local council decisions), Activity 4 (digitalisation of archives and electronic registrar) and Activity 6 (specific training of staff) aim to improve the decisional process and strengthen local public autonomy. By developing policies and strategies at local level, electronic document management, training of their own staff, improving decision-making, digitising archive documents, the project supports POCA Specific Objective 2.1 “Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimises beneficiary-oriented processes in accordance with SCAP”. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 11 of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 (OT 11 Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and the efficiency of public administration), addressing challenge 5 Administration and governance and challenge 2 People and society in the Partnership Agreement of Romania, through specific actions carried out at the level of Tecuci Municipality. The project contributes to achieving the goal of the POCA Applicant’s Guide to Call for Projects CP10/2018: the application shall include the actions envisaged and which (English)
Property / summary: The general objective is to improve the administrative capacity, quality and efficiency of public services provided at ATU Tecuci Municipality, Galați County, in the less developed South-East region, through integrated and complementary investments according to European and national regulations (institutional strategic planning, implementation of integrated urban development strategy of Tecuci Municipality, IT system for electronic archive and implementation of a personalised IT system for optimising local administration services). By elaborating the Institutional Strategic Plan, some framework procedures for adopting the local council, digitising archive documents and document amdinistisation processes, preparing about 70 people for a performance and efficient administration at local level, the project contributes to the achievement of the general objective POCA 2014-2020. In the long term, the establishment of working groups, specific and simplified standard procedures for reducing bureaucracy, digitalisation of document administration processes (archiving, registrar) contributes to the development of a quality culture in public administration, to the creation of an efficient local administration, capable of providing efficient services and generating socio-economic development at the level of the community. The project supports Priority Axis 2 POCA: “Accessible and transparent public administration and judicial system”, because through its activities, Activity 3 (strategic planning actions – realisation of Integrated Urban Development Strategy of Tecuci Municipality, elaboration of institutional strategic plan, elaboration of framework procedures for adoption of local council decisions), Activity 4 (digitalisation of archives and electronic registrar) and Activity 6 (specific training of staff) aim to improve the decisional process and strengthen local public autonomy. By developing policies and strategies at local level, electronic document management, training of their own staff, improving decision-making, digitising archive documents, the project supports POCA Specific Objective 2.1 “Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimises beneficiary-oriented processes in accordance with SCAP”. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 11 of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 (OT 11 Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and the efficiency of public administration), addressing challenge 5 Administration and governance and challenge 2 People and society in the Partnership Agreement of Romania, through specific actions carried out at the level of Tecuci Municipality. The project contributes to achieving the goal of the POCA Applicant’s Guide to Call for Projects CP10/2018: the application shall include the actions envisaged and which (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The general objective is to improve the administrative capacity, quality and efficiency of public services provided at ATU Tecuci Municipality, Galați County, in the less developed South-East region, through integrated and complementary investments according to European and national regulations (institutional strategic planning, implementation of integrated urban development strategy of Tecuci Municipality, IT system for electronic archive and implementation of a personalised IT system for optimising local administration services). By elaborating the Institutional Strategic Plan, some framework procedures for adopting the local council, digitising archive documents and document amdinistisation processes, preparing about 70 people for a performance and efficient administration at local level, the project contributes to the achievement of the general objective POCA 2014-2020. In the long term, the establishment of working groups, specific and simplified standard procedures for reducing bureaucracy, digitalisation of document administration processes (archiving, registrar) contributes to the development of a quality culture in public administration, to the creation of an efficient local administration, capable of providing efficient services and generating socio-economic development at the level of the community. The project supports Priority Axis 2 POCA: “Accessible and transparent public administration and judicial system”, because through its activities, Activity 3 (strategic planning actions – realisation of Integrated Urban Development Strategy of Tecuci Municipality, elaboration of institutional strategic plan, elaboration of framework procedures for adoption of local council decisions), Activity 4 (digitalisation of archives and electronic registrar) and Activity 6 (specific training of staff) aim to improve the decisional process and strengthen local public autonomy. By developing policies and strategies at local level, electronic document management, training of their own staff, improving decision-making, digitising archive documents, the project supports POCA Specific Objective 2.1 “Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimises beneficiary-oriented processes in accordance with SCAP”. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 11 of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 (OT 11 Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and the efficiency of public administration), addressing challenge 5 Administration and governance and challenge 2 People and society in the Partnership Agreement of Romania, through specific actions carried out at the level of Tecuci Municipality. The project contributes to achieving the goal of the POCA Applicant’s Guide to Call for Projects CP10/2018: the application shall include the actions envisaged and which (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:47, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097873 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3097873 in Romania


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    2,627,225.9 Romanian Leu
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    525,445.18 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,090,854.0 Romanian Leu
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    618,170.8 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3 December 2018
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    28 September 2022
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    Obiectivul general constă în îmbunătățirea capacității administrative, a calitatii si eficientei serviciilor publice furnizate la nivelul UAT Municipiul Tecuci, județul Galați, din regiunea mai puțin dezvoltată Sud-Est, prin investiții integrate și complementare conform reglementărilor europene și naționale (planificare strategică instituțională, realizare strategie integrata de dezvoltare urbană a Municipiului Tecuci, sistem informatic pentru arhiva electronică și implementarea unui sistem informatic personalizat pentru optimizarea serviciilor administratiei locale). Prin elaborarea Planului strategic instituțional, a unor proceduri cadru de adoptare consiliului local, digitalizarea documentelor din arhivă și a proceselor de amdinistrare a documentelor, pregatirea a circa 70 de persoane pentru o administratie performanta si eficienta la nivel local, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului general POCA 2014-2020. Pe termen lung înființarea unor grupuri de lucru, a unor proceduri standard specifice și simplificate pentru reducerea birocrației, digitalizarea proceselor de administrare a documentelor (arhivarea, registratura) contribuie la dezvoltarea unei culturii a calitatii in administratia publica, la crearea unei administratii locale performante, capabile sa ofere servicii performante si sa genereze dezvoltare socio-economica la nivelul comunitatii. Proiectul susține Axa prioritara 2 POCA: „Administrație publica și sistem judiciar accesibile și transparente”, deoarece prin activitațile sale, Activitatea 3 (acțiuni de planificare strategica – realizare Strategie Integrată de Dezvoltare urbană a Municipiului Tecuci, elaborare Plan strategic instituțional, elaborare proceduri cadru de adoptare a hotărârilor de consiliu local), Activitatea 4 (digitalizarea arhivelor și registratura electronică) și Activitatea 6 (instruire specifica a personalului) se urmarește imbunatatirea procesului decisional si consolidarea autonomiei publice locale. Prin elaborarea de politici și strategii la nivel local, administrarea electronică a documentelor, instruirea personalului propriu, îmbunătățirea procesului decizional, digitalizarea documentelor din arhivă, proiectul sprijina Obiectivul Specific 2.1 al POCA ”Introducerea de sisteme si standarde comune in administratia publica locala ce optimizeaza procesele orientate catre beneficiari in concordanta cu SCAP”. Obiectivul general al proiectului este în concordanță cu Obiectivul tematic 11 din Politica de coeziune 2014 – 2020 (OT 11 Consolidarea capacității instituționale a autorităților publice și a părților interesate și eficiența administrației publice), abordând provocarea 5 Administrația și guvernarea și provocarea 2 Oamenii și societatea din Acordul de Parteneriat al României, prin acțiuni specifice derulate la nivelul UAT Municipiul Tecuci. Proiectul contribuie la atingerea scopului din Ghidul Solicitantului POCA pentru Cererea de proiecte CP10/2018: cererea cuprinde acțiunile prevăzute și care (Romanian)
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    The general objective is to improve the administrative capacity, quality and efficiency of public services provided at ATU Tecuci Municipality, Galați County, in the less developed South-East region, through integrated and complementary investments according to European and national regulations (institutional strategic planning, implementation of integrated urban development strategy of Tecuci Municipality, IT system for electronic archive and implementation of a personalised IT system for optimising local administration services). By elaborating the Institutional Strategic Plan, some framework procedures for adopting the local council, digitising archive documents and document amdinistisation processes, preparing about 70 people for a performance and efficient administration at local level, the project contributes to the achievement of the general objective POCA 2014-2020. In the long term, the establishment of working groups, specific and simplified standard procedures for reducing bureaucracy, digitalisation of document administration processes (archiving, registrar) contributes to the development of a quality culture in public administration, to the creation of an efficient local administration, capable of providing efficient services and generating socio-economic development at the level of the community. The project supports Priority Axis 2 POCA: “Accessible and transparent public administration and judicial system”, because through its activities, Activity 3 (strategic planning actions – realisation of Integrated Urban Development Strategy of Tecuci Municipality, elaboration of institutional strategic plan, elaboration of framework procedures for adoption of local council decisions), Activity 4 (digitalisation of archives and electronic registrar) and Activity 6 (specific training of staff) aim to improve the decisional process and strengthen local public autonomy. By developing policies and strategies at local level, electronic document management, training of their own staff, improving decision-making, digitising archive documents, the project supports POCA Specific Objective 2.1 “Introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimises beneficiary-oriented processes in accordance with SCAP”. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 11 of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 (OT 11 Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and the efficiency of public administration), addressing challenge 5 Administration and governance and challenge 2 People and society in the Partnership Agreement of Romania, through specific actions carried out at the level of Tecuci Municipality. The project contributes to achieving the goal of the POCA Applicant’s Guide to Call for Projects CP10/2018: the application shall include the actions envisaged and which (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Tecuci, Romania
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