Education – integrated measures for children, parents, educators and support staff, in order to increase participation in education of people belonging to vulnerable groups and reduce early school leaving. (Q3098374): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to support access to education for people belonging to vulnerable groups, in conjunction with improving the competences of teaching staff and support for quality educational services oriented on students’ needs, in order to encourage education and prevention of early school leaving and promote equal access to quality preschool, primary and secondary education. The general objective of the project will cont...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
label / en | label / en | ||
Education – integrated measures for children, parents, educators and support staff, in order to increase participation in education of people belonging to vulnerable groups and reduce early school leaving. |
Revision as of 10:43, 16 September 2021
Project Q3098374 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Education – integrated measures for children, parents, educators and support staff, in order to increase participation in education of people belonging to vulnerable groups and reduce early school leaving. |
Project Q3098374 in Romania |
5,203,608.349 Romanian Leu
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1,040,721.6698000001 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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6,121,892.15 Romanian Leu
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1,224,378.4300000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.85 percent
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27 March 2018
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26 March 2021
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta sprijinirea accesului la educatie a persoanelor apartinand grupurilor vulnerabile, in corelare cu imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic si de sprijin pentru servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor, in vederea incurajarii educatiei si prevenirii abandonului scolar timpuriu si promovarea accesului egal la invatamântul prescolar, primar si secundar de calitate. Obiectivul general al proiectului va contribui la indeplinirea obiectivului major al programului POCU “dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin cresterea accesului la un sistem de educatie si formare profesionala de calitate, stimularea ocuparii, cu precadere pentru tineri, reducerea saraciei si a excluziunii sociale prin facilitarea accesului de servicii sociale si de sanatate”, precum si la realizarea obiectivelor specifice axei prioritare 6 – OS 6.2 “Cresterea participarii la invatamântul ante-prescolar si prescolar, in special a grupurilor cu risc de parasire timpurie a scolii, cu accent pe copiii apartinând minoritatii roma si a celor din mediul rural”; OS 6.3 ”Reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii prin masuri integrate de prevenire si de asigurare a oportunitatilor egale pentru elevii apartinând grupurilor vulnerabile, cu accent pe elevii apartinând minoritatii roma si elevii din mediul rural/ comunitatile dezavantajate socio-economic si OS 6.6 „Imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic din invatamântul pre universitar in vederea promovarii unor servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor si a unei scoli inclusive”. Astfel, prin proiectul “ProEducatie” se propune implementarea de masuri integrate de reducere si prevenire a abandonului scolar prin oferirea de programe care asigura cresterea accesului la educatie a persoanelor apartinand grupurilor vulnerabile, coroborat cu imbunatatirea competentelor personalului didactic, de management si de sprijin pentru servicii educationale de calitate orientate pe nevoile elevilor si cu aplicarea de interventii directe asupra copiilor si parintilor pentru sprijinirea participarii la educatie. Intrucat in prezent, din analiza de nevoi a unitatilor scolare partenere Primariei Orasului Rovinari este necesara o interventie integrata si rapida pentru reducerea abandonului scolar, acest proiect isi propune sa previna si sa combata absenteismul si abandonul scolar , prin sustinerea urmatoarelor initiative: (1) Asigurarea de servicii si programe educationale de calitate destinate prevenirii si reducerii parasirii timpurii a scolii (“Educatia Timpurie”, “Step by Step”,”Scoala dupa Scoala”, “Cercul de Capacitate”), (2)asigurarea de oportunitati de dezvoltare a intregului potential individual al copiilor si tinerilor din comunitate, prin dezvoltarea abilitatilor, cunostintelor si experientei necesare (“Clubul Copiilor”, “Scoala de Vara”, “ProFamilia”), (3) asigurarea premiselor pentru participarea cu mai mult interes la activitatile educational (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to support access to education for people belonging to vulnerable groups, in conjunction with improving the competences of teaching staff and support for quality educational services oriented on students’ needs, in order to encourage education and prevention of early school leaving and promote equal access to quality preschool, primary and secondary education. The general objective of the project will contribute to achieving the main objective of the POCU program “development of human resources by increasing access to a quality education and training system, stimulating employment, especially for young people, reducing poverty and social exclusion by facilitating access to social and health services”, as well as to the achievement of the specific objectives of priority axis 6 – OS 6.2 “Increasing participation in pre-school and preschool education, especially groups at risk of early school leaving, with a focus on children belonging to Roma and rural minorities”; OS 6.3 "Reducing early school leaving through integrated measures to prevent and ensure equal opportunities for students belonging to vulnerable groups, with a focus on pupils belonging to the Roma minority and students from rural areas/society-economically disadvantaged communities and OS 6.6 "Improving the competences of teaching staff in pre-university education in order to promote quality educational services oriented on students’ needs and an inclusive school”. Thus, through the project “Education” it is proposed to implement integrated measures to reduce and prevent school drop-out by offering programs that ensure increased access to education for people belonging to vulnerable groups, in conjunction with improving the competences of teaching, management and support staff for quality educational services focused on students’ needs and with the application of direct interventions on children and parents to support participation in education. As at present, from the needs analysis of the school units partners of the City of Rovinari it is necessary an integrated and rapid intervention to reduce school dropout, this project aims to prevent and combat absenteeism and school abandonment, by supporting the following initiatives: (1) Ensuring quality educational services and programs aimed at preventing and reducing early school leaving (“Time Education”, “Step by Step”,“School after School”, “Capacity Circle”), (2) ensuring opportunities to develop the entire individual potential of children and young people in the community, by developing the necessary skills, knowledge and experience (“Children’s Club”, “Summer School”, “PROFAMILIA”), (3) ensuring the premises for participation with more interest in educational activities (English)
16 September 2021
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Oraş Rovinari, Romania
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