“Increasing the quality of the educational process by implementing integrated measures” (Q3096936): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to implement integrated measures to facilitate access to education and prevent early school leaving for children and young people belonging to vulnerable groups, returning to the education system children/young/adults who have left school, as well as developing human capital skills from pre-university education from disadvantaged schools. The project will generate a positive effect as it provides education...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
label / en | label / en | ||
“Increasing the quality of the educational process by implementing integrated measures” |
Revision as of 10:39, 16 September 2021
Project Q3096936 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “Increasing the quality of the educational process by implementing integrated measures” |
Project Q3096936 in Romania |
7,859,891.917 Romanian Leu
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1,571,978.3834000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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9,246,931.66 Romanian Leu
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1,849,386.3320000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
0 references
0.85 percent
0 references
14 May 2018
0 references
13 May 2021
0 references
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este acela de implementare a masurilor integrate pentru facilitarea accesului la educatie si prevenirea parasirii timpurii a scolii pentru copiii si tinerii ce fac parte din grupuri vulnerabile, reintoarcerea in sistemul de invatamant a copiilor/tinerilor/adultilor care au parasit scoala, precum si dezvoltarea competentelor capitalului uman din invatamantul preuniversitar din unitati scolare defavorizate. Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv intrucat prevede interventii de educatie care vor genera pe termen mediu imbunatatirea calitatii vietii tuturor membrilor grupului tinta, iar pe termen lung dezvoltarea comunitatilor din care acestia fac parte, a societatii si a tarii in general. Aceste efecte pozitive sunt generate prin: - prevenirea si diminuarea abandonului scolar, reducerea analfabetismului in special in cadrul grupurilor vulnerabile; - derularea de activitati pentru anteprescolari si prescolari ce vizeaza crerea unui cadru adecvat de dezvoltare a copiilor si de familiarizare a acestora cu sistemul de invatamant in vederea cresterii si mentinerii interesului pentru scoala; - derularea programelor tip scoala dupa scoala ce urmaresc reducerea analfabetismului functional in randul elevilor, imbunatatirea rezultatelor scolare, dobandirea competenetelor de baza; - cresterea nivelului de educatie a tinerilor si adultilor, reintegrarea in sistemul de invatamant a acestora prin programe de a doua sansa, ceea ce va creste sansele de calificare ulterioara si de angajare pe locuri de munca mai bine remunerate; - informarea/ consilierea/ educarea/ mentoratul parintilor anteprescolarilor, prescolarilor si elevilor ce urmeaza programul scoala dupa scoala in vederea constientizarii de catre acestia a importantei educatiei in viata copiilor de azi, adultilor de maine; - formarea si dezvoltarea competentelor personalului didactic/de sprijin din scolile vizate de proiect, cu scopul de a imbunatati actul educational. Toate masurile integrate de educatie prevazute de acest proiect vor duce la reducerea saraciei in zonele de implementare a acestuia, la cresterea nivelului de trai, la incluziunea sociala si pe piata muncii a participantilor si la dezvoltarea profesionala a capitalului uman din invatamant. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to implement integrated measures to facilitate access to education and prevent early school leaving for children and young people belonging to vulnerable groups, returning to the education system children/young/adults who have left school, as well as developing human capital skills from pre-university education from disadvantaged schools. The project will generate a positive effect as it provides educational interventions that will generate in the medium term the improvement of the quality of life of all members of the target group, and in the long term the development of the communities of which they belong, of society and of the country in general. These positive effects are generated by: — preventing and reducing school abandonment, reducing illiteracy especially in vulnerable groups; — carrying out activities for preschoolers and preschoolers aimed at creating an adequate framework for children’s development and familiarisation with the education system in order to increase and maintain interest in school; — running school-type programs after school that aim to reduce functional illiteracy among students, improve school results, acquire basic skills; — increasing the level of education of young people and adults, reintegrating them into the education system through second chance programs, which will increase the chances of further qualification and employment on better paid jobs; — information/advising/education/mentorship of the parents of preschoolers, preschoolers and students who follow the school after school program in order to make them aware of the importance of education in the lives of children today, adults of tomorrow; — training and development of the competences of the teaching/support staff in the schools targeted by the project, in order to improve the educational act. All integrated education measures provided by this project will reduce poverty in the areas of its implementation, increase living standards, social and labour market inclusion of participants and professional development of human capital in education. (English)
16 September 2021
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Călineşti, Romania
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Aninoasa, Romania
0 references
Ştefan cel Mare, Romania
0 references
Sălătrucu, Romania
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Slobozia, Romania
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Mărăcineni, Romania
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0 references