START UP BANAT (Q3096859): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): OG: Support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship initiatives in the urban environment of the West Region over a period of 3 years, with a total eligible cost of 8,812,266.59 lei. The project deals with the establishment of new businesses, providing all the steps from informing the potential entrepreneur about the opportunities offered by the entrepreneurial career (the campaign to promote entrepreneurship), training in the field of entrepreneur...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Revision as of 10:35, 16 September 2021
Project Q3096859 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | START UP BANAT |
Project Q3096859 in Romania |
7,476,259.994 Romanian Leu
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1,495,251.9988000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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8,795,599.92 Romanian Leu
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1,759,119.9840000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.85 percent
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11 January 2018
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10 July 2021
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OG: Sprijinirea antreprenoriatului si a initiativelor antreprenoriale din mediul urban al regiunii Vest, pe o perioada de 3 ani, cu un cost total eligibil de 8,812,266.59 lei. Proiectul abordeaza integrat infiintarea de noi afaceri, asigurand toate etapele de la informarea potentialului antreprenor cu privire la oportunitatile oferite de cariera antreprenoriala (campania de promovare a antreprenoriatului), formare in domeniul antreprenoriatului (300 pers) si asistenta in elaborarea planului de afaceri (300) , selectie a celor mai bune 36 de idei de afaceri in cadrul unei competitii deschise publicului larg, subventionarea celor mai bune 36 de planuri de afaceri si asistenta, consultanta si monitorizarea a afacerii in cadrul centrului de sprijin pentru afaceri. Proiectul va pune accent deosebit pe selectia acelor idei sustenabile de afaceri ancorate in realitatea locala, dar cu perspectiva de dezvoltare la nivel regional/ national/ international. Proiectul abordeaza convergent sprijinirea antreprenoriatului, propunand diferite directii principale care conduc catre dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului. Proiectul aloca 163,745.67 lei (1.86% din total costuri eligibile) temei secundare de Îmbunătăţire a accesibilităţii, a utilizării şi a calităţii tehnologiilor informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor deoarece in era digitala potentialul de dezvoltare al unei intreprinderi depinde enorm de cunostintele TIC si de capacitatea antreprenorului de a se promova online, cu acces nelimitat catre piata globala. Proiectul aloca 130,697.67 lei (1.48%) temei secundare de inovare sociala pentru a apropia mediul de afaceri de activitatile proiectului pe de o parte, stiut fiind ca mentoratul reprezinta una dintre cele mai eficiente modalitati de transfer de know-how catre tinerii antreprenori si pe de alta parte pentru a oferi tinerilor antreprenori cat mai multe sanse de a interactiona cu potentialii clienti/furnizori, de a-si dezvolta capacitatile de comunicare/networking si lucru in echipa. Proiectul aloca 5648310 lei (64,10%) ajutorului pentru startupuri sub forma granturilor din schema de minimis (o medie de 35190,65 euro/startup, dar nu mai mult de 40,000 euro). Bugetul eligibil de 8,812,266.59 lei (aprox 1.976.509 euro) respecta valoarea maxima a proiectului conform conditiei din Ghidul Solicitantului, pag 19, incadrandu-se sub pragul de 2,4 mil euro pt 36 de startupuri create. Obiectivul proiectului este in concordanta cu obiectivele POCU 2014-2020 si contribuie la realizarea obiectivului general al axei 3 prin corelarea obiectivului general cu obiectivul specific 3.7, prioritatea de investitii 8.iii prin promovarea antreprenoriatului ca o optiune viabila de cariera, dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale si sustinerea initiativelor antreprenoriale, in vederea stimularii ocuparii pe cont propriu. Proiectul raspunde cerintelor din anexa 9 POCU privind indicatorii de realizare comuni specifici programului, aducandu-si aportul la realizarea indicatorilor 4S11 Pers (Romanian)
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OG: Support entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship initiatives in the urban environment of the West Region over a period of 3 years, with a total eligible cost of 8,812,266.59 lei. The project deals with the establishment of new businesses, providing all the steps from informing the potential entrepreneur about the opportunities offered by the entrepreneurial career (the campaign to promote entrepreneurship), training in the field of entrepreneurship (300 pers) and assistance in developing the business plan (300), selecting the best 36 business ideas in a competition open to the general public, subsidising the best 36 business plans and assistance, consulting and monitoring the business within the business support center. The project will place special emphasis on the selection of those sustainable business ideas anchored in local reality, but with the development perspective at regional/national/international level. The project convergently addresses the support of entrepreneurship, proposing different main directions that lead to the development of entrepreneurship. The project allocated 163,745.67 lei (1.86 % of total eligible costs) secondary theme of Improving the accessibility, use and quality of information and communication technologies because in the digital era the development potential of an enterprise depends enormously on the ICT knowledge and the ability of the entrepreneur to promote itself online, with unlimited access to the global market. The project allocates 130,697.67 lei (1.48 %) secondary theme of social innovation to bring the business environment closer to the project activities, knowing that mentoring is one of the most efficient ways of transferring know-how to young entrepreneurs and on the other hand to offer young entrepreneurs as many chances to interact with potential customers/suppliers, to develop their communication/networking capabilities and teamwork. The project allocated RON 5648310 (64.10 %) to start-ups aid in the form of grants from the de minimis scheme (an average of EUR 35190.65/startup, but not more than EUR 40,000). The eligible budget of 8,812,266.59 lei (approx. EUR 1976509) respects the maximum value of the project according to the condition of the Applicant’s Guide, page 19, falling below the threshold of 2.4 million euros for 36 startups created. The objective of the project is in accordance with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020 and contributes to the achievement of the general objective of Axis 3 by linking the general objective with specific objective 3.7, investment priority 8.iii by promoting entrepreneurship as a viable career option, developing entrepreneurial skills and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, in order to stimulate self-employment. The project meets the requirements of Annex 9 POCU on common output indicators specific to the programme, contributing to the achievement of 4S11 Pers indicators (English)
16 September 2021
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