Implementation of decentralised tasks within IROP in Nitra Self-Governing Region in the period 7/2017-3/2019 (Q3110638): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The project aims to support IROP IB in Nitra self-governing region as a body involved in the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, financial management and control of OPs within the scope of the competences delegated by the Managing Authority for IROP. The project implements activities to ensure effective implementation of IROP specific objectives in NSK. The IROP is also the guarantor of the implementation of the Regional Integrated Territori...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
label / en | label / en | ||
Implementation of decentralised tasks within IROP in Nitra Self-Governing Region in the period 7/2017-3/2019 |
Revision as of 16:44, 15 September 2021
Project Q3110638 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of decentralised tasks within IROP in Nitra Self-Governing Region in the period 7/2017-3/2019 |
Project Q3110638 in Slovakia |
380,630.0 Euro
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447,800.0 Euro
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0.85 percent
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7 January 2017
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5 January 2019
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Nitriansky samosprávny kraj
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Projekt je zameraný na podporu SO pre IROP v Nitrianskom samosprávnom kraji ako orgánu zapojeného do implementácie, monitorovania, hodnotenia, finančného riadenia a kontroly OP v rozsahu kompetencií delegovaných Riadiacim orgánom pre IROP. Projektom sa realizujú aktivity pre personálne zabezpečenie efektívnej implementácie špecifických cieľov IROP v NSK. SO pre IROP je zároveň garantom implementácie Regionálnej integrovanej územnej stratégie (ďalej len "RIÚS") Nitrianskeho kraja na roky 2014 - 2020 a fungujúceho inštitucionalizovaného partnerstva na úrovni NUTS3.Hlavnou aktivitou č. 1 je zabezpečenie interných administratívnych kapacít SO pe IROP a zabezpečenie odborného hodnotenia žiadostí o NFP na úrovni SO pre IROP externými hodnotiteľmi. Hlavnou aktivitou č. 2 je materiálno - technické, priestorové a prevádzkové zabezpečenie administratívnych kapacít SO pre IROP. Merateľným ukazovateľom hlavnej aktivity č. 1 je priemerný počet refundovaných AK, kód P0619 a pre hlavnú aktivitu č. 2 je merateľným ukazovateľom počet administratívnych kapacít vybavených materiálno - technickým vybavením z TP, kód P0131.Projekt je v súlade s princípom podpory rovnosti mužov a žien a nediskriminácia. (Slovak)
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The project aims to support IROP IB in Nitra self-governing region as a body involved in the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, financial management and control of OPs within the scope of the competences delegated by the Managing Authority for IROP. The project implements activities to ensure effective implementation of IROP specific objectives in NSK. The IROP is also the guarantor of the implementation of the Regional Integrated Territorial Strategy (RITS) of the Nitra Region for the years 2014-2020 and of a functioning institutionalised partnership at NUTS3 level.The main activity No 1 is to ensure the internal administrative capacity of the IBMA and to ensure the expert evaluation of NFA applications at IROP level by external evaluators. The main activity No. 2 is the material-technical, spatial and operational provision of the administrative capacity of the IB for IROP. The Measurable Indicator of Main Activity No 1 is the average number of AKs reimbursed, code P0619 and for Main Activity No. 2 the number of administrative capacities equipped with material-technical equipment from TP, code P0131.The project complies with the principle of promoting equality between men and women and non-discrimination. (English)
15 September 2021
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0 references