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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The applicant for this project is the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (short SPU) operating since 1952. With its educational and scientific research activities, it belongs to a unique European and world education area. It is a modern, open university, reflecting the needs of the agri-food sector on a local and global scale. The institutional “green” philosophy of the SPU in Nitra, the interdisciplinary nature and long-term educational...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The applicant for this project is the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (short SPU) operating since 1952. With its educational and scientific research activities, it belongs to a unique European and world education area. It is a modern, open university, reflecting the needs of the agri-food sector on a local and global scale. The institutional “green” philosophy of the SPU in Nitra, the interdisciplinary nature and long-term educational and research orientation of the university responding to current trends in relevant fields, complements the range of diverse activities significantly affecting local and regional development carried out in the context of its third mission. The need for the implementation of a creative centre oriented specifically on the industries of the creative industry (designs, architecture, advertising) results, on the one hand, from the lack of this type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the uncaptured and untapped people’s development of talent and untapped students – thanks to the untapped and untapped talent status of the university – thanks to the lack of such type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the unencapsuited and untapped people’s status of talent and untapped students – thanks to the unattected and untapped talent of the university. The area of Nitra and Nitra region has the human and material resources needed to build a creative centre. Resources are not only larger institutions (educational, research, public, economic, private, civic) located in the city and region, but also individuals and entities – secondary and university graduates, start-ups and existing entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations and civic associations, etc. The completion or adaptation of existing infrastructure (often unused) in connection with the activation of human potential towards creativity and innovation appears to be a key factor for the future urban-rural development of the region and its modern post-industrial regeneration. The present project aims at building a creative centre and providing the services of a creative centre (specific objective 3.1 Stimulating the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries by creating an enabling environment for the development of creative talent, non-technological innovation, call IROP-PO3-SC31-2019-49) under Investment Priority 3.1 – Promoting employment-friendly growth by developing endogenous potential as part of a territorial strategy for specific areas, including the conversion of declining industrial regions and enhancing accessibility and development of specific natural and cultural resources. The aim of the project is to develop creative potential in Nitra Region, create a favourable environment for the development of creative talent and non-technological innovation, which can contribute to stimulating employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries. The activities of the project are aimed at:Developing creative talent, its entrepreneurial spirit and supporting non-technological innovations using information technologies.Providing specific services of the creative center. The target group of the project is KC SPU will provide its services to three categories of target groups: I. Physical persons – non-entrepreneurs with an interest in entrepreneurship in the field of creative priemyslu:Cieľovou group within this category are graduates of the SPU in Nitra and UKF in Nitra. Communication and addressing this priority target group will be addressed in relation to the types of activities or services of the KC SPU and in relation to study programmes. Another target group is interested in entrepreneurship from secondary school graduates aged 18+ or students of the 4th year regardless of age. The applicant has long-established links and relationships with secondary schools in the region and organises various events and activities for them on a regular basis. One such example is the project from the Human Resources OP (Increase the Quality and Efficiency of Lifelong Learning at the FZKI SPU in Nitra), which aimed to promote partnerships with employers and professional organisations, employers’ associations, associations and chambers in the creation, innovation and implementation of education. The project aimed at linking the education system with professionals from professional organisations in order to develop lifelong learning programmes aimed at the age groups of young people under the age of 25 in order to guide trainees in the choice of profession and to verify acquired competences, knowledge and skills confronted with the requirements of practice. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The applicant for this project is the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (short SPU) operating since 1952. With its educational and scientific research activities, it belongs to a unique European and world education area. It is a modern, open university, reflecting the needs of the agri-food sector on a local and global scale. The institutional “green” philosophy of the SPU in Nitra, the interdisciplinary nature and long-term educational and research orientation of the university responding to current trends in relevant fields, complements the range of diverse activities significantly affecting local and regional development carried out in the context of its third mission. The need for the implementation of a creative centre oriented specifically on the industries of the creative industry (designs, architecture, advertising) results, on the one hand, from the lack of this type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the uncaptured and untapped people’s development of talent and untapped students – thanks to the untapped and untapped talent status of the university – thanks to the lack of such type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the unencapsuited and untapped people’s status of talent and untapped students – thanks to the unattected and untapped talent of the university. The area of Nitra and Nitra region has the human and material resources needed to build a creative centre. Resources are not only larger institutions (educational, research, public, economic, private, civic) located in the city and region, but also individuals and entities – secondary and university graduates, start-ups and existing entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations and civic associations, etc. The completion or adaptation of existing infrastructure (often unused) in connection with the activation of human potential towards creativity and innovation appears to be a key factor for the future urban-rural development of the region and its modern post-industrial regeneration. The present project aims at building a creative centre and providing the services of a creative centre (specific objective 3.1 Stimulating the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries by creating an enabling environment for the development of creative talent, non-technological innovation, call IROP-PO3-SC31-2019-49) under Investment Priority 3.1 – Promoting employment-friendly growth by developing endogenous potential as part of a territorial strategy for specific areas, including the conversion of declining industrial regions and enhancing accessibility and development of specific natural and cultural resources. The aim of the project is to develop creative potential in Nitra Region, create a favourable environment for the development of creative talent and non-technological innovation, which can contribute to stimulating employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries. The activities of the project are aimed at:Developing creative talent, its entrepreneurial spirit and supporting non-technological innovations using information technologies.Providing specific services of the creative center. The target group of the project is KC SPU will provide its services to three categories of target groups: I. Physical persons – non-entrepreneurs with an interest in entrepreneurship in the field of creative priemyslu:Cieľovou group within this category are graduates of the SPU in Nitra and UKF in Nitra. Communication and addressing this priority target group will be addressed in relation to the types of activities or services of the KC SPU and in relation to study programmes. Another target group is interested in entrepreneurship from secondary school graduates aged 18+ or students of the 4th year regardless of age. The applicant has long-established links and relationships with secondary schools in the region and organises various events and activities for them on a regular basis. One such example is the project from the Human Resources OP (Increase the Quality and Efficiency of Lifelong Learning at the FZKI SPU in Nitra), which aimed to promote partnerships with employers and professional organisations, employers’ associations, associations and chambers in the creation, innovation and implementation of education. The project aimed at linking the education system with professionals from professional organisations in order to develop lifelong learning programmes aimed at the age groups of young people under the age of 25 in order to guide trainees in the choice of profession and to verify acquired competences, knowledge and skills confronted with the requirements of practice. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The applicant for this project is the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (short SPU) operating since 1952. With its educational and scientific research activities, it belongs to a unique European and world education area. It is a modern, open university, reflecting the needs of the agri-food sector on a local and global scale. The institutional “green” philosophy of the SPU in Nitra, the interdisciplinary nature and long-term educational and research orientation of the university responding to current trends in relevant fields, complements the range of diverse activities significantly affecting local and regional development carried out in the context of its third mission. The need for the implementation of a creative centre oriented specifically on the industries of the creative industry (designs, architecture, advertising) results, on the one hand, from the lack of this type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the uncaptured and untapped people’s development of talent and untapped students – thanks to the untapped and untapped talent status of the university – thanks to the lack of such type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the unencapsuited and untapped people’s status of talent and untapped students – thanks to the unattected and untapped talent of the university. The area of Nitra and Nitra region has the human and material resources needed to build a creative centre. Resources are not only larger institutions (educational, research, public, economic, private, civic) located in the city and region, but also individuals and entities – secondary and university graduates, start-ups and existing entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations and civic associations, etc. The completion or adaptation of existing infrastructure (often unused) in connection with the activation of human potential towards creativity and innovation appears to be a key factor for the future urban-rural development of the region and its modern post-industrial regeneration. The present project aims at building a creative centre and providing the services of a creative centre (specific objective 3.1 Stimulating the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries by creating an enabling environment for the development of creative talent, non-technological innovation, call IROP-PO3-SC31-2019-49) under Investment Priority 3.1 – Promoting employment-friendly growth by developing endogenous potential as part of a territorial strategy for specific areas, including the conversion of declining industrial regions and enhancing accessibility and development of specific natural and cultural resources. The aim of the project is to develop creative potential in Nitra Region, create a favourable environment for the development of creative talent and non-technological innovation, which can contribute to stimulating employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries. The activities of the project are aimed at:Developing creative talent, its entrepreneurial spirit and supporting non-technological innovations using information technologies.Providing specific services of the creative center. The target group of the project is KC SPU will provide its services to three categories of target groups: I. Physical persons – non-entrepreneurs with an interest in entrepreneurship in the field of creative priemyslu:Cieľovou group within this category are graduates of the SPU in Nitra and UKF in Nitra. Communication and addressing this priority target group will be addressed in relation to the types of activities or services of the KC SPU and in relation to study programmes. Another target group is interested in entrepreneurship from secondary school graduates aged 18+ or students of the 4th year regardless of age. The applicant has long-established links and relationships with secondary schools in the region and organises various events and activities for them on a regular basis. One such example is the project from the Human Resources OP (Increase the Quality and Efficiency of Lifelong Learning at the FZKI SPU in Nitra), which aimed to promote partnerships with employers and professional organisations, employers’ associations, associations and chambers in the creation, innovation and implementation of education. The project aimed at linking the education system with professionals from professional organisations in order to develop lifelong learning programmes aimed at the age groups of young people under the age of 25 in order to guide trainees in the choice of profession and to verify acquired competences, knowledge and skills confronted with the requirements of practice. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 September 2021
Revision as of 15:20, 15 September 2021
Project Q3106989 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3106989 in Slovakia |
5,264,402.27 Euro
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6,193,414.43 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 January 2021
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12 January 2023
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Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre
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Žiadateľom predkladaného projektu je Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre (skrátene SPU) fungujúca od roku 1952. So svojimi edukačnými a vedeckovýskumnými aktivitami patrí do jedinečného európskeho a svetového vzdelávacieho priestoru. Je modernou, otvorenou univerzitou, reflektujúcou potreby doby v agropotravinárskom sektore v lokálnom aj globálnom rozsahu. Motiváciou pre návrh projektu Kreatívneho centra SPU so zameraním na podporu kreatívneho priemyslu je inštitucionálna „zelená“ filozofia SPU v Nitre, interdisciplinárny charakter a dlhodobá vzdelávacia a výskumná orientácia univerzity reagujúca na aktuálne trendy v relevantných oblastiach, ktorú dopĺňa spektrum rôznorodých aktivít výrazne ovplyvňujúcich lokálny a regionálny rozvoj realizovaných v rámci jej tzv. tretej misie.Potreba realizácie kreatívneho centra orientovaného špeciálne na odvetvia kreatívneho priemyslu (dizajn, architektúra, reklama) vyplýva na jednej strane z absencie takéhoto typu infraštruktúry v meste, ktoré je regionálnym centrom, na strane druhej z nepodchyteného a nevyužitého potenciálu mladých ľudí – absolventov univerzít a stredných škôl rôznorodého zamerania, ktorí by vďaka prostrediu podporujúceho rozvoj ich kreatívneho myslenia i talentu neopúšťali región a zvýšili jeho celkový status. Priestor mesta Nitry a nitrianskeho regiónu disponuje ľudskými i materiálnymi zdrojmi potrebnými pre vybudovanie kreatívneho centra. Zdroje predstavujú nielen väčšie inštitúcie (vzdelávacie, výskumné, verejnoprávne, hospodárske, súkromné, občianske) sídliace v meste a kraji, ale tiež jednotlivci a subjekty - absolventi stredných a vysokých škôl, začínajúci i existujúci podnikatelia, neziskové organizácie a občianske združenia a pod. Dobudovanie, resp. adaptácia existujúcej infraštruktúry (častokrát nevyužívanej) v prepojení s aktivizáciou ľudského potenciálu smerom ku kreativite a tvorbe inovácií sa javí ako kľúčový faktor pre budúci urbánno-rurálny rozvoj regiónu a jeho modernú postindustriálnu regeneráciu. Predkladaný projekt je zameraný na vybudovanie kreatívneho centra a poskytovanie služieb kreatívneho centra (špecifický cieľ 3.1 Stimulovanie podpory udržateľnej zamestnanosti a tvorby pracovných miest v kultúrnom a kreatívnom priemysle prostredníctvom vytvorenia priaznivého prostredia pre rozvoj kreatívneho talentu, netechnologických inovácií, výzva IROP-PO3-SC31-2019-49) v rámci investičnej priority 3.1 – Podpora rastu priaznivého pre zamestnanosť, a to rozvíjaním vnútorného potenciálu ako súčasti územnej stratégie pre konkrétne oblasti vrátane konverzie upadajúcich priemyselných regiónov a posilnenia prístupnosti a rozvoja špecifických prírodných a kultúrnych zdrojov. Cieľom projektu je rozvoj kreatívneho potenciálu v Nitrianskom kraji, vytvorenie priaznivého prostredia pre rozvoj kreatívneho talentu a netechnologických inovácií, ktoré môže prispieť ku stimulovaniu pomoci zamestnanosti a tvorby pracovných miest v kultúrnom a kreatívnom priemysle. Aktivity projektu sú zamerané:Na rozvoj kreatívneho talentu, jeho podnikateľského ducha a podporu netechnologických inovácií s použitím informačných technológií.Poskytovanie špecifických služieb kreatívneho centra. Cieľovou skupinou projektu sú KC SPU bude svoje služby poskytovať trom kategóriám cieľových skupín: I. Fyzické osoby – nepodnikatelia so záujmom o podnikanie v oblasti kreatívneho priemyslu:Cieľovou skupinou v rámci tejto kategórie sú absolventi SPU v Nitre a UKF v Nitre. Komunikácia a oslovovanie tejto prioritnej cieľovej skupiny bude adresná vo vzťahu k typom aktivít, resp. služieb KC SPU a vo vzťahu k študijným programom.Ďalšou cieľovou skupinou sú záujemcovia o podnikanie z radov absolventov stredných škôl vo veku 18+, resp. študentov 4. ročníkov bez ohľadu na dosiahnutý vek. Žiadateľ má dlhodobo vybudované väzby a vzťahy so strednými školami v regióne a organizuje pre nich pravidelne rôzne podujatia a aktivity. Jedným z takýchto príkladov je projekt z OP Ľudské zdroje (Zvýšiť kvalitu a efektívnosť celoživotného vzdelávania na FZKI SPU v Nitre), ktorého cieľom bola podpora partnerstiev so zamestnávateľmi a profesijnými organizáciami, zamestnávateľskými zväzmi, asociáciami a komorami pri tvorbe, inovácii a realizácii vzdelávania. Projekt bol zameraný na prepojenie systému vzdelávania s odborníkmi z profesijných organizácií za účelom vytvorenia programov celoživotného vzdelávania zameraného na vekové skupiny mladých ľudí vo veku do 25 rokov za účelom usmerňovania frekventantov pri výbere povolania a overovania nadobudnutých spôsobilostí, vedomostí a zručností konfrontovanými s požiadavkami praxe. Pre komunikáciu a oslovovanie tejto cieľovej skupiny sa budú preto využívať existujúce komunikačné kanály SPU v Nitre a doterajšia spolupráca.KC SPU sa bude zameriavať aj na jednotlivcov v mladom (do 29 rokov), dospelom (30-44) a strednom produktívnom veku (45-59), ktorí prejavia záujem o podnikanie v kreatívnom priemysle na základe rôznej individuálnej či skupinovej motivácie (n (Slovak)
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The applicant for this project is the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (short SPU) operating since 1952. With its educational and scientific research activities, it belongs to a unique European and world education area. It is a modern, open university, reflecting the needs of the agri-food sector on a local and global scale. The institutional “green” philosophy of the SPU in Nitra, the interdisciplinary nature and long-term educational and research orientation of the university responding to current trends in relevant fields, complements the range of diverse activities significantly affecting local and regional development carried out in the context of its third mission. The need for the implementation of a creative centre oriented specifically on the industries of the creative industry (designs, architecture, advertising) results, on the one hand, from the lack of this type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the uncaptured and untapped people’s development of talent and untapped students – thanks to the untapped and untapped talent status of the university – thanks to the lack of such type of infrastructure in the city, which is a regional centre, on the other hand, from the unencapsuited and untapped people’s status of talent and untapped students – thanks to the unattected and untapped talent of the university. The area of Nitra and Nitra region has the human and material resources needed to build a creative centre. Resources are not only larger institutions (educational, research, public, economic, private, civic) located in the city and region, but also individuals and entities – secondary and university graduates, start-ups and existing entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations and civic associations, etc. The completion or adaptation of existing infrastructure (often unused) in connection with the activation of human potential towards creativity and innovation appears to be a key factor for the future urban-rural development of the region and its modern post-industrial regeneration. The present project aims at building a creative centre and providing the services of a creative centre (specific objective 3.1 Stimulating the promotion of sustainable employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries by creating an enabling environment for the development of creative talent, non-technological innovation, call IROP-PO3-SC31-2019-49) under Investment Priority 3.1 – Promoting employment-friendly growth by developing endogenous potential as part of a territorial strategy for specific areas, including the conversion of declining industrial regions and enhancing accessibility and development of specific natural and cultural resources. The aim of the project is to develop creative potential in Nitra Region, create a favourable environment for the development of creative talent and non-technological innovation, which can contribute to stimulating employment and job creation in the cultural and creative industries. The activities of the project are aimed at:Developing creative talent, its entrepreneurial spirit and supporting non-technological innovations using information technologies.Providing specific services of the creative center. The target group of the project is KC SPU will provide its services to three categories of target groups: I. Physical persons – non-entrepreneurs with an interest in entrepreneurship in the field of creative priemyslu:Cieľovou group within this category are graduates of the SPU in Nitra and UKF in Nitra. Communication and addressing this priority target group will be addressed in relation to the types of activities or services of the KC SPU and in relation to study programmes. Another target group is interested in entrepreneurship from secondary school graduates aged 18+ or students of the 4th year regardless of age. The applicant has long-established links and relationships with secondary schools in the region and organises various events and activities for them on a regular basis. One such example is the project from the Human Resources OP (Increase the Quality and Efficiency of Lifelong Learning at the FZKI SPU in Nitra), which aimed to promote partnerships with employers and professional organisations, employers’ associations, associations and chambers in the creation, innovation and implementation of education. The project aimed at linking the education system with professionals from professional organisations in order to develop lifelong learning programmes aimed at the age groups of young people under the age of 25 in order to guide trainees in the choice of profession and to verify acquired competences, knowledge and skills confronted with the requirements of practice. (English)
15 September 2021
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0 references