Q3106007 (Q3106007): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The present project addresses the growth of R & D and innovation capacities in industry and services in a bakery product company called Paciga s.r.o. All production and know-how is owned by the applicant and serves exclusively for the production of bakery products and confectionery products (date of the authorisation: 15.7.2004). As any emerging production, it records weaknesses requiring automation. The aim of the project is therefore to implem...)
Property / summary
The present project addresses the growth of R & D and innovation capacities in industry and services in a bakery product company called Paciga s.r.o. All production and know-how is owned by the applicant and serves exclusively for the production of bakery products and confectionery products (date of the authorisation: 15.7.2004). As any emerging production, it records weaknesses requiring automation. The aim of the project is therefore to implement and complement elements of intelligent solutions in uncovered locations in production. This objective of the project will be fulfilled by the realisation of one main activity of the project. Thanks to the implementation of the project, at the latest by the date of completion of the project’s activities, the operationality of the solution will be ensured and production will provide a digital data set that can be used for tracking, checking, analysing and optimising the activities that the project will perform as a facility or a technological unit. Within the project, however, investment-intensive measures will be implemented, for which the applicant would otherwise not have sufficient own resources – therefore the NFA has an incentive effect for the applicant’s entity. The aim group of the project is the applicant and the employees of the company, whose production will be the monotonous activities for which supervision and human intervention was necessary until now. This will allow the applicant’s staff to be transferred to more creative value-added activities. The activity of the project is: A1 Support for intelligent innovations (01/2020-06/2021) The place of implementation of the project is the production hall of the applicant in Spišská Nová Ves. The implementation of the project will fulfil mandatory measurable project indicators and results – the main one being an innovative process that will improve the quality, efficiency and flexibility of the production or supply activity; mitigate the negative impact on the environment; it will reduce energy intensity. Project Measurable Indicators sú:P0760 Number of innovated processes (number) = 1P0284 Number of enterprises receiving grants (undertakings) = 1 (English)
Property / summary: The present project addresses the growth of R & D and innovation capacities in industry and services in a bakery product company called Paciga s.r.o. All production and know-how is owned by the applicant and serves exclusively for the production of bakery products and confectionery products (date of the authorisation: 15.7.2004). As any emerging production, it records weaknesses requiring automation. The aim of the project is therefore to implement and complement elements of intelligent solutions in uncovered locations in production. This objective of the project will be fulfilled by the realisation of one main activity of the project. Thanks to the implementation of the project, at the latest by the date of completion of the project’s activities, the operationality of the solution will be ensured and production will provide a digital data set that can be used for tracking, checking, analysing and optimising the activities that the project will perform as a facility or a technological unit. Within the project, however, investment-intensive measures will be implemented, for which the applicant would otherwise not have sufficient own resources – therefore the NFA has an incentive effect for the applicant’s entity. The aim group of the project is the applicant and the employees of the company, whose production will be the monotonous activities for which supervision and human intervention was necessary until now. This will allow the applicant’s staff to be transferred to more creative value-added activities. The activity of the project is: A1 Support for intelligent innovations (01/2020-06/2021) The place of implementation of the project is the production hall of the applicant in Spišská Nová Ves. The implementation of the project will fulfil mandatory measurable project indicators and results – the main one being an innovative process that will improve the quality, efficiency and flexibility of the production or supply activity; mitigate the negative impact on the environment; it will reduce energy intensity. Project Measurable Indicators sú:P0760 Number of innovated processes (number) = 1P0284 Number of enterprises receiving grants (undertakings) = 1 (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The present project addresses the growth of R & D and innovation capacities in industry and services in a bakery product company called Paciga s.r.o. All production and know-how is owned by the applicant and serves exclusively for the production of bakery products and confectionery products (date of the authorisation: 15.7.2004). As any emerging production, it records weaknesses requiring automation. The aim of the project is therefore to implement and complement elements of intelligent solutions in uncovered locations in production. This objective of the project will be fulfilled by the realisation of one main activity of the project. Thanks to the implementation of the project, at the latest by the date of completion of the project’s activities, the operationality of the solution will be ensured and production will provide a digital data set that can be used for tracking, checking, analysing and optimising the activities that the project will perform as a facility or a technological unit. Within the project, however, investment-intensive measures will be implemented, for which the applicant would otherwise not have sufficient own resources – therefore the NFA has an incentive effect for the applicant’s entity. The aim group of the project is the applicant and the employees of the company, whose production will be the monotonous activities for which supervision and human intervention was necessary until now. This will allow the applicant’s staff to be transferred to more creative value-added activities. The activity of the project is: A1 Support for intelligent innovations (01/2020-06/2021) The place of implementation of the project is the production hall of the applicant in Spišská Nová Ves. The implementation of the project will fulfil mandatory measurable project indicators and results – the main one being an innovative process that will improve the quality, efficiency and flexibility of the production or supply activity; mitigate the negative impact on the environment; it will reduce energy intensity. Project Measurable Indicators sú:P0760 Number of innovated processes (number) = 1P0284 Number of enterprises receiving grants (undertakings) = 1 (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:10, 15 September 2021

Project Q3106007 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3106007 in Slovakia


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    232,269.75 Euro
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    516,155.0 Euro
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    0.45 percent
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    4 January 2021
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    10 January 2021
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    Paciga s.r.o.
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    48°56'36.71"N, 20°34'4.73"E
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    Predkladaný projekt rieši rast výskumno - vývojových a inovačných kapacít v priemysle a službách v spoločnosti spracovávajúcej pekárenské výrobku s názvom Paciga s.r.o.. Celá výroba a jej know - how je vo vlastníctve žiadateľa a slúži výlučne na výrobu v predmete podnikania výroba pekárskych výrobkov a cukrárenských výrobkov (dátum vzniku oprávnenia: 15.7.2004). Ako každá rozvíjajúca sa výroba eviduje slabé miesta vyžadujúce automatizáciu. Cieľom projektu je preto implementovanie a doplnenie prvkov inteligentných riešení v nepokrytých miestach vo výrobe. Tento cieľ projektu bude naplnený realizovaním jednej hlavnej aktivity projektu. Vďaka implementácii projektu bude najneskôr ku dňu ukončenia realizácie aktivít projektu zabezpečená prevádzkyschopnosť riešenia a výroba bude poskytovať digitálnu dátovú zostavu, ktorú bude možné využiť na sledovanie, kontrolu, analýzu a optimalizáciu činností, ktorú bude projekt ako zariadenie, alebo technologický celok vykonávať. V rámci projektu však budú realizované investične náročné opatrenia, na ktorých uskutočnenie by inak žiadateľ nemal dostatok vlastných zdrojov – preto má NFP pre subjekt žiadateľa motivačný účinok.Cieľovou skupinou projektu sú žiadateľ a zamestnanci firmy, ktorým v rámci výroby ubudnú monotónne činnosti, na ktoré bol doteraz nutný dozor a zásah človeka. Týmto budú môcť byť zamestnanci žiadateľa presunutí na viac kreatívne činnosti s pridanou hodnotou. Aktivitou projektu je aktivita: A1 Podpora inteligentných inovácií (01/2020 – 06/2021) Miestom realizácie projektu je výrobná hala žiadateľa v Spišskej Novej Vsi. Realizáciou projektu budú naplnené povinné merateľné ukazovatele projektu a výsledky – tým hlavným bude inovovaný proces , ktorý zabezpečí zlepšenie kvality, efektívnosti a pružnosti výrobnej či dodávateľskej činnosti; zmierni negatívny vplyv na životné prostredie; zníži energetickú náročnosť. Merateľné ukazovatele projektu sú:P0760 Počet inovovaných procesov (počet) = 1P0284 Počet podnikov, ktoré dostávajú granty (podniky) = 1 (Slovak)
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    The present project addresses the growth of R & D and innovation capacities in industry and services in a bakery product company called Paciga s.r.o. All production and know-how is owned by the applicant and serves exclusively for the production of bakery products and confectionery products (date of the authorisation: 15.7.2004). As any emerging production, it records weaknesses requiring automation. The aim of the project is therefore to implement and complement elements of intelligent solutions in uncovered locations in production. This objective of the project will be fulfilled by the realisation of one main activity of the project. Thanks to the implementation of the project, at the latest by the date of completion of the project’s activities, the operationality of the solution will be ensured and production will provide a digital data set that can be used for tracking, checking, analysing and optimising the activities that the project will perform as a facility or a technological unit. Within the project, however, investment-intensive measures will be implemented, for which the applicant would otherwise not have sufficient own resources – therefore the NFA has an incentive effect for the applicant’s entity. The aim group of the project is the applicant and the employees of the company, whose production will be the monotonous activities for which supervision and human intervention was necessary until now. This will allow the applicant’s staff to be transferred to more creative value-added activities. The activity of the project is: A1 Support for intelligent innovations (01/2020-06/2021) The place of implementation of the project is the production hall of the applicant in Spišská Nová Ves. The implementation of the project will fulfil mandatory measurable project indicators and results – the main one being an innovative process that will improve the quality, efficiency and flexibility of the production or supply activity; mitigate the negative impact on the environment; it will reduce energy intensity. Project Measurable Indicators sú:P0760 Number of innovated processes (number) = 1P0284 Number of enterprises receiving grants (undertakings) = 1 (English)
    15 September 2021
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