WiFi for you village Varín (Q3105375): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The implementation of the project consists of the construction of WIFI external access points in places of community life, which will provide free access to broadband internet for citizens and visitors of the village of Varín with a minimum speed of 30Mbit/s.The expected location of external and internal access points will be at the following locations: Access point AP1 out Multifunctional playground Elementary school parcel No.:...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
label / en | label / en | ||
WiFi for you village Varín |
Revision as of 15:03, 15 September 2021
Project Q3105375 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | WiFi for you village Varín |
Project Q3105375 in Slovakia |
12,750.0 Euro
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15,000.0 Euro
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0.85 percent
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4 January 2021
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3 January 2022
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Obec Varín
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Realizácia projektu spočíva vo vybudovaní WIFI externých prístupových bodov na miestach komunitného života, ktoré poskytne bezplatné pripojenie občanom a návštevníkom obce Varín k širokopásmovému internetu o minimálnej rýchlosti 30Mbit/s.Predpokladané umiestnenie externých a interných prístupových bodov bude na uvedených miestach: Access point AP1 out Multifunkčné ihrisko ZŠ parcela č.:2057/3 Access point AP2 out oddychová zóna Cintorín parcela č.:2063/1 Access point AP3 out Multifunkčné ihrisko MŠ parcela č.: 2130/29 Access point AP4 out Multifunkčné ihrisko pre obecnej bytovke parcela č.: 2151/346 Access point AP5 out Park pri obecnom úrade parcela č.: 447/2 Access point AP6 out Námestnie sv. Floriána parcela č: 3183/1 Access point AP7 out Námestie pri kostole parcela č.: 5/7 Access point AP8 out workout ihrisko v športovom areály parcela č.: 1720/12 Access point AP9 out workout ihrisko kamence parcela č.: 1018/347 Access point AP10 out Autobusová zastávka koňhora parcela č.: 3892/3Všetky prístupové body sa budú identifikovať (SSID) ako WiFi pre Teba a po úspešnom pripojení sa každému užívateľovi zobrazí ako uvítacia stránka stránka obce https://www.varin.sk/Budované wifi prístupové body sa budú inštalovať na budovách v majetku obce Varín a stĺpoch VO. Uvedený popis predpokladaného umiestnenia prístupových bodov je súčasťou projektovej dokumentácie. PD zároveň obsahuje mapové podklady zobrazujúce orientačné priestorové zakreslenie predpokladaného umiestnenia prístupových bodov. (Slovak)
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The implementation of the project consists of the construction of WIFI external access points in places of community life, which will provide free access to broadband internet for citizens and visitors of the village of Varín with a minimum speed of 30Mbit/s.The expected location of external and internal access points will be at the following locations: Access point AP1 out Multifunctional playground Elementary school parcel No.:2057/3 Access point AP2 out rest zone Cintorín parcel no.:2063/1 Access point AP3 out Multifunctional playground MŠ parcel no.: 2130/29 Access point AP4 out Multifunctional playground for municipal flat plot no.: 2151/346 Access point AP5 out Park near the municipal office parcel no.: 447/2 Access point AP6 out Osestnie sv. Floriána parcel No: 3183/1 Access point AP7 out Square near the church plot no.: 5/7 Access point AP8 out workout course in the sports complex parcel no.: 1720/12 Access point AP9 out workout course Kamence parcel no.: 1018/347 Access point AP10 out Bus stop horsehorse parcel no.: 3892/3All access points will be identified (SSID) as WiFi for You and after successful connection, each user will be displayed as a welcome page of the municipality https://www.varin.sk/Budované wifi access points will be installed on buildings in the village of Varín and VO columns. The above description of the expected location of the access points is part of the project documentation. The PD also contains map documents showing the indicative spatial plot of the intended location of the access points. (English)
15 September 2021
0 references
0 references