Q3104442 (Q3104442): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Basic objective of the project:  providing, developing and expanding the nursing service in Hnua in order to prevent clients from being placed in residential facilities. Objective group of the present project: 1. children and adults who are provided social services in the form of social counselling, care in times of need in health, physical, mental and physical disabilities or at an advanced age2. Employees implementing social inclusion policies...)
Property / summary
Basic objective of the project:  providing, developing and expanding the nursing service in Hnua in order to prevent clients from being placed in residential facilities. Objective group of the present project: 1. children and adults who are provided social services in the form of social counselling, care in times of need in health, physical, mental and physical disabilities or at an advanced age2. Employees implementing social inclusion policies and measures in the public and non-public sector, caregivers – who will provide care services When selecting people from the target group, to which care services will be provided, we will strictly follow the principles of horizontal priorities for the aggravating development of the project, we will adhere to the principle and principle of equality of men and women, and we will reject discrimination on grounds of age, sex, race, religion, etc. Fulfillment of measurement indicators: Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community, home, open or substitute level – 10Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local level – 1 Project duration: 26 months from 3/2019-4/2021 Place of project implementation: the town of Hnua provides a social service – a care service for citizens who, because of their poor health, need a social situation. The caregiving service is provided to 33 citizens of the city. The degree of disability of the citizens cared for is from II to IV. Classification in the degree of dependence of a natural person to the assistance of another natural person is determined by the medical officer. The city also registers more and more requirements for all-day care of citizens, as the family does not know how to provide care to a relative for reasons of occupational illness, health problems or living in another city. The need for expansion is one of the activities of the adopted Community plan for social services of the City of Hnua. The applicants are either waiting for placement in DDS or preventing them from leaving the home environment. The proposed project is in line with the community plan of social services of the city of Hnúa for the period 2018-2023: The proposed time discusses the following necessary opatreniach:Opatrenie No. 3Measure no. 4 National priorities for the development of social services are focused on these basic oblasti:zabezpeči availability of social services in accordance with the needs of the community, will support the transition of social services from institutional care to community care, promote the development of social services available to persons staying in a spatially segregated location with the presence of concentrated and generically reproduced poverty, enhance the quality of social services provided.  The provision of care services is an effective support tool to ensure that citizens remain in the natural home environment. At present, the caregiving service is urged, necessary and undervalued. The number of seniors is growing, we‘re getting older and we’re out of work. As part of the project, we want to receive funding to fund full-time caregivers, thus providing care to the city’s citizens who are dependent on the assistance of another natural person and thus provide work for 10 caregivers in a region with high unemployment, in the least developed district supported by the government through an action plan. (English)
Property / summary: Basic objective of the project:  providing, developing and expanding the nursing service in Hnua in order to prevent clients from being placed in residential facilities. Objective group of the present project: 1. children and adults who are provided social services in the form of social counselling, care in times of need in health, physical, mental and physical disabilities or at an advanced age2. Employees implementing social inclusion policies and measures in the public and non-public sector, caregivers – who will provide care services When selecting people from the target group, to which care services will be provided, we will strictly follow the principles of horizontal priorities for the aggravating development of the project, we will adhere to the principle and principle of equality of men and women, and we will reject discrimination on grounds of age, sex, race, religion, etc. Fulfillment of measurement indicators: Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community, home, open or substitute level – 10Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local level – 1 Project duration: 26 months from 3/2019-4/2021 Place of project implementation: the town of Hnua provides a social service – a care service for citizens who, because of their poor health, need a social situation. The caregiving service is provided to 33 citizens of the city. The degree of disability of the citizens cared for is from II to IV. Classification in the degree of dependence of a natural person to the assistance of another natural person is determined by the medical officer. The city also registers more and more requirements for all-day care of citizens, as the family does not know how to provide care to a relative for reasons of occupational illness, health problems or living in another city. The need for expansion is one of the activities of the adopted Community plan for social services of the City of Hnua. The applicants are either waiting for placement in DDS or preventing them from leaving the home environment. The proposed project is in line with the community plan of social services of the city of Hnúa for the period 2018-2023: The proposed time discusses the following necessary opatreniach:Opatrenie No. 3Measure no. 4 National priorities for the development of social services are focused on these basic oblasti:zabezpeči availability of social services in accordance with the needs of the community, will support the transition of social services from institutional care to community care, promote the development of social services available to persons staying in a spatially segregated location with the presence of concentrated and generically reproduced poverty, enhance the quality of social services provided.  The provision of care services is an effective support tool to ensure that citizens remain in the natural home environment. At present, the caregiving service is urged, necessary and undervalued. The number of seniors is growing, we‘re getting older and we’re out of work. As part of the project, we want to receive funding to fund full-time caregivers, thus providing care to the city’s citizens who are dependent on the assistance of another natural person and thus provide work for 10 caregivers in a region with high unemployment, in the least developed district supported by the government through an action plan. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Basic objective of the project:  providing, developing and expanding the nursing service in Hnua in order to prevent clients from being placed in residential facilities. Objective group of the present project: 1. children and adults who are provided social services in the form of social counselling, care in times of need in health, physical, mental and physical disabilities or at an advanced age2. Employees implementing social inclusion policies and measures in the public and non-public sector, caregivers – who will provide care services When selecting people from the target group, to which care services will be provided, we will strictly follow the principles of horizontal priorities for the aggravating development of the project, we will adhere to the principle and principle of equality of men and women, and we will reject discrimination on grounds of age, sex, race, religion, etc. Fulfillment of measurement indicators: Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community, home, open or substitute level – 10Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local level – 1 Project duration: 26 months from 3/2019-4/2021 Place of project implementation: the town of Hnua provides a social service – a care service for citizens who, because of their poor health, need a social situation. The caregiving service is provided to 33 citizens of the city. The degree of disability of the citizens cared for is from II to IV. Classification in the degree of dependence of a natural person to the assistance of another natural person is determined by the medical officer. The city also registers more and more requirements for all-day care of citizens, as the family does not know how to provide care to a relative for reasons of occupational illness, health problems or living in another city. The need for expansion is one of the activities of the adopted Community plan for social services of the City of Hnua. The applicants are either waiting for placement in DDS or preventing them from leaving the home environment. The proposed project is in line with the community plan of social services of the city of Hnúa for the period 2018-2023: The proposed time discusses the following necessary opatreniach:Opatrenie No. 3Measure no. 4 National priorities for the development of social services are focused on these basic oblasti:zabezpeči availability of social services in accordance with the needs of the community, will support the transition of social services from institutional care to community care, promote the development of social services available to persons staying in a spatially segregated location with the presence of concentrated and generically reproduced poverty, enhance the quality of social services provided.  The provision of care services is an effective support tool to ensure that citizens remain in the natural home environment. At present, the caregiving service is urged, necessary and undervalued. The number of seniors is growing, we‘re getting older and we’re out of work. As part of the project, we want to receive funding to fund full-time caregivers, thus providing care to the city’s citizens who are dependent on the assistance of another natural person and thus provide work for 10 caregivers in a region with high unemployment, in the least developed district supported by the government through an action plan. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:50, 15 September 2021

Project Q3104442 in Slovakia
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Project Q3104442 in Slovakia


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    125,970.0 Euro
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    148,200.0 Euro
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    0.85 percent
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    1 October 2019
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    1 November 2021
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    Mesto Hnúša
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    48°34'20.57"N, 19°57'12.24"E
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    Základný ciež projektu:  zabezpečenie, rozvoj a rozšírenie opatrovatežskej služby v meste Hnúša za účelom predchádzania umiestňovania klientov do pobytových zariadení. Ciežová skupina predkladaného projektu: 1. deti a plnoleté fyzické osoby, ktorým sa poskytujú sociálne služby formou sociálneho poradenstva, opatrovaní v čase núdznych podmienok v zdravotnom, fyzickom, mentálnom i telesnom postihnutí či v pokročilom veku2. zamestnanci vykonávajúci politiky a opatrenia v oblasti sociálneho začlenenia vo verejnom aj v neverejnom sektore, opatrovatežky - ktoré budú poskytova opatrovatežské služby  Pri výbere osôb z ciežovej skupiny, ktorým budú poskytované opatrovatežské služby sa budeme striktne riadi princípmi horizontálnych priorít udržatežného rozvoja projektu, budeme dodržiava zásadu a princíp rovnosti mužov a žien a odmietneme diskrimináciu na základe veku, pohlavia, rasy, náboženstva a pod. Naplnenie meratežných ukazovatežov: Počet podporovaných kapacít nových, inovatívnych služieb alebo opatrení na komunitnej úrovni, v domácom prostredí, otvorenom prostredí alebo náhradnom prostredí - 10Počet projektov zameraných na verejné správy alebo sociálne služby na vnútroštátnej, regionálnej a miestnej úrovni - 1 Doba realizácie projektu: 26 mesiacov od 3/2019 - 4/2021 Miesto realizácie projektu: mesto Hnúša Mesto Hnúša zabezpečuje sociálnu službu - opatrovatežskú službu občanom,ktorí pre svoj nepriazniý zdravotný stav potrebujú rieši sociálnu situáciu. Opatrovatežská služba sa poskytuje 33 občanom mesta. Stupeň zdravotného postihnutia opatrovaných občanov je od II. až po IV. Zaradenie do stupňaodkázanosti fyzickej osoby na pomoc inej fyzickej osoby určuje posudkový lekár. Mesto eviduje čím ďalej viac požiadaviek aj na celodennú starostlivos o občanov, nakožko rodina nevie zabezpeči starostlivos príbuznému z dôvodov pracovnej vyaženosti, zdravotných problémov alebo bývajú v inom meste. Potreba rozšírenia je jednou z aktivít prijatého Komunitného plánu sociálnych služieb mesta Hnúša. Žiadatelia sú buď čakatelia na umiestnenie do DDS alebo sa bránia odchodu z domáceho prostredia. Predkladaný projekt je v súlade s komunitným plánom sociálnych služieb mesta Hnúša na obdobie 2018-2023:Navrhovaná čas pojednáva o nasledovných potrebných opatreniach:Opatrenie č. 3Opatrenie č. 4 Národné priority rozvoja sociálnych služieb sa orientujú na tieto základné oblasti:zabezpeči dostupnos sociálnych služieb v  súlade s potrebami komunity,podpori prechod prijímatežov sociálnych služieb z inštitucionálnej starostlivosti na komunitnú starostlivos,podpori rozvoj sociálnych služieb dostupných pre osoby zotrvajúce v priestorovo segregovanej lokalite s prítomnosou koncentrovanej a generačne reprodukovanej chudoby, zvyšova kvalitu poskytovaných sociálnych služieb.  Poskytovanie opatrovatežskej služby je efektívnym nástrojom podpory na zabezpečenie zotrvania občanov v prirodzenom domácom prostredí . V súčasnosti je opatrovatežská služba vežmi žiadaná, potrebná a nedocenená. Počet seniorov rastie, popopulačne stárneme a pracovne sme vyažení. V rámci projektu chceme získa finančné prostriedky na prefinancovanie plného úväzku opatrovateliek čím zabezpečíme opateru občanom mesta, ktorí sú odkázaní na pomoc inej fyzickej osoby a taktiež zabezpečíme prácu 10 opatrovatežom v regióne s vysokou nezamestnanosou, v okrese najmenej rozvinutom zaradenom do podpory vládou cez akčný plán. (Slovak)
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    Basic objective of the project:  providing, developing and expanding the nursing service in Hnua in order to prevent clients from being placed in residential facilities. Objective group of the present project: 1. children and adults who are provided social services in the form of social counselling, care in times of need in health, physical, mental and physical disabilities or at an advanced age2. Employees implementing social inclusion policies and measures in the public and non-public sector, caregivers – who will provide care services When selecting people from the target group, to which care services will be provided, we will strictly follow the principles of horizontal priorities for the aggravating development of the project, we will adhere to the principle and principle of equality of men and women, and we will reject discrimination on grounds of age, sex, race, religion, etc. Fulfillment of measurement indicators: Number of supported capacities of new, innovative services or measures at community, home, open or substitute level – 10Number of projects targeting public administrations or social services at national, regional and local level – 1 Project duration: 26 months from 3/2019-4/2021 Place of project implementation: the town of Hnua provides a social service – a care service for citizens who, because of their poor health, need a social situation. The caregiving service is provided to 33 citizens of the city. The degree of disability of the citizens cared for is from II to IV. Classification in the degree of dependence of a natural person to the assistance of another natural person is determined by the medical officer. The city also registers more and more requirements for all-day care of citizens, as the family does not know how to provide care to a relative for reasons of occupational illness, health problems or living in another city. The need for expansion is one of the activities of the adopted Community plan for social services of the City of Hnua. The applicants are either waiting for placement in DDS or preventing them from leaving the home environment. The proposed project is in line with the community plan of social services of the city of Hnúa for the period 2018-2023: The proposed time discusses the following necessary opatreniach:Opatrenie No. 3Measure no. 4 National priorities for the development of social services are focused on these basic oblasti:zabezpeči availability of social services in accordance with the needs of the community, will support the transition of social services from institutional care to community care, promote the development of social services available to persons staying in a spatially segregated location with the presence of concentrated and generically reproduced poverty, enhance the quality of social services provided.  The provision of care services is an effective support tool to ensure that citizens remain in the natural home environment. At present, the caregiving service is urged, necessary and undervalued. The number of seniors is growing, we‘re getting older and we’re out of work. As part of the project, we want to receive funding to fund full-time caregivers, thus providing care to the city’s citizens who are dependent on the assistance of another natural person and thus provide work for 10 caregivers in a region with high unemployment, in the least developed district supported by the government through an action plan. (English)
    15 September 2021
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