Q3103185 (Q3103185): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The subject of the grant is the renovation of the building for the boarding school, Kolská 12, Michalovce. Rated building is three-storey, Podpivničená, cloudy floor plan, is situated in flat terrain. The main entrance is oriented from the north side. The building is categorised as buildings of the building rounds and school facilities. Vertical availability of floors is ensured by an internal staircase. The object is original, after partial rec...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The subject of the grant is the renovation of the building for the boarding school, Kolská 12, Michalovce. Rated building is three-storey, Podpivničená, cloudy floor plan, is situated in flat terrain. The main entrance is oriented from the north side. The building is categorised as buildings of the building rounds and school facilities. Vertical availability of floors is ensured by an internal staircase. The object is original, after partial reconstruction. An exchange of open-air contrusions has been carried out. The proposed recontrusion fulfils project ideas as well as requirements imposed on thermal and hygienic requirements. The reason for building modifications and modernisation is mainly to improve the energy performance of the building, i.e. to reduce the energy intensity of the public building, wear itself, outdated appearance. The proposed modernisation will improve the thermal properties of the building, improve the hygiene conditions and generally impair the quality of the internal microclimate. The building is built in the construction system, which forms the basic modular network of columns 6000 x 6300 mm in a late and transverse direction with pre-installed gas silicate panels. The ceiling structure consists of epoxy concrete panels. The whole building will be heated from a heat source in the Cologne gas boiler room.The ventilation of the building is combined natural and forced in social rooms. Proposed building modifications of the modified building, individual construction procedures as well as subsequent operation will not have a negative impact on the environment beyond the normal standard corresponding to the current state of the technologies used in the construction of current buildings. Only materials and technologies will be used on the construction site, the application of which does not require any extraordinary measures to ensure environmental protection. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The subject of the grant is the renovation of the building for the boarding school, Kolská 12, Michalovce. Rated building is three-storey, Podpivničená, cloudy floor plan, is situated in flat terrain. The main entrance is oriented from the north side. The building is categorised as buildings of the building rounds and school facilities. Vertical availability of floors is ensured by an internal staircase. The object is original, after partial reconstruction. An exchange of open-air contrusions has been carried out. The proposed recontrusion fulfils project ideas as well as requirements imposed on thermal and hygienic requirements. The reason for building modifications and modernisation is mainly to improve the energy performance of the building, i.e. to reduce the energy intensity of the public building, wear itself, outdated appearance. The proposed modernisation will improve the thermal properties of the building, improve the hygiene conditions and generally impair the quality of the internal microclimate. The building is built in the construction system, which forms the basic modular network of columns 6000 x 6300 mm in a late and transverse direction with pre-installed gas silicate panels. The ceiling structure consists of epoxy concrete panels. The whole building will be heated from a heat source in the Cologne gas boiler room.The ventilation of the building is combined natural and forced in social rooms. Proposed building modifications of the modified building, individual construction procedures as well as subsequent operation will not have a negative impact on the environment beyond the normal standard corresponding to the current state of the technologies used in the construction of current buildings. Only materials and technologies will be used on the construction site, the application of which does not require any extraordinary measures to ensure environmental protection. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The subject of the grant is the renovation of the building for the boarding school, Kolská 12, Michalovce. Rated building is three-storey, Podpivničená, cloudy floor plan, is situated in flat terrain. The main entrance is oriented from the north side. The building is categorised as buildings of the building rounds and school facilities. Vertical availability of floors is ensured by an internal staircase. The object is original, after partial reconstruction. An exchange of open-air contrusions has been carried out. The proposed recontrusion fulfils project ideas as well as requirements imposed on thermal and hygienic requirements. The reason for building modifications and modernisation is mainly to improve the energy performance of the building, i.e. to reduce the energy intensity of the public building, wear itself, outdated appearance. The proposed modernisation will improve the thermal properties of the building, improve the hygiene conditions and generally impair the quality of the internal microclimate. The building is built in the construction system, which forms the basic modular network of columns 6000 x 6300 mm in a late and transverse direction with pre-installed gas silicate panels. The ceiling structure consists of epoxy concrete panels. The whole building will be heated from a heat source in the Cologne gas boiler room.The ventilation of the building is combined natural and forced in social rooms. Proposed building modifications of the modified building, individual construction procedures as well as subsequent operation will not have a negative impact on the environment beyond the normal standard corresponding to the current state of the technologies used in the construction of current buildings. Only materials and technologies will be used on the construction site, the application of which does not require any extraordinary measures to ensure environmental protection. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 September 2021
Revision as of 13:42, 15 September 2021
Project Q3103185 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3103185 in Slovakia |
398,384.88 Euro
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468,688.09 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 February 2021
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1 August 2021
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Spojená kola internátna, Odborné učilite internátne Viliama Gaňa, Praktická kola internátna
0 references
Predmetom oNFP je obnova budovy pre Internátnu kolu, kolská 12, Michalovce. Hodnotená budova je trojpodlaná, nepodpivničená, obdĺnikového pôdorysu, je situovaná v rovinatom teréne. Hlavný vstup je orientovaný zo severnej strany. Budova je zatriedená do kategórie budov budovy kôl a kolských zariadení. Vertikálna dostupnos podlaí je zabezpečená vnútorným schodiskom. Objekt je pôvodný, po čiastočnej rekontrukcii. Bola zrealizovaná výmena otvorových kontrukcií. Navrhovaná rekontrukcia má napĺňa projektové predstavy ale aj poiadavky kladené na tepelno-technické a hygienické poiadavky. Dôvodom pre stavebné úpravy a modernizáciu je najmä zlepenie energetickej hospodárnosti stavby, t.j. zníenie energetickej náročnosti verejnej budovy, samotné opotrebovanie, zastaraný vzhžad. Navrhovanou modernizáciou dôjde k zlepeniu tepelnotechnických vlastnosti budovy, zlepia sa hygienické podmienky a celkovo sa zlepí kvalita vnútornej mikroklímy. Objekt je postavený v kontrukčnej sústave, ktorý tvorí základná modulová sie stĺpov 6000 x 6300 mm v pozdĺnom a priečnom smere s predsadenými plynosilikátovými panelmi. Stropnú kontrukciu tvoria elezobetónové panely. Celá budova bude vykurovaná zo zdroja tepla v kolskej plynovej kotolni.Vetranie budovy je kombinované prirodzené a nútené v spoločenských miestnostiach. Navrhované stavebné úpravy rieeného objektu, jednotlivé stavebné postupy ako aj následná prevádzka nebudú ma negatívny vplyv na ivotné prostredie nad rámec beného tandardu zodpovedajúceho aktuálnemu stavu technológií pouívaných pri výstavbe súčasných stavieb. Na stavbe budú pouité iba materiály a technológie, ktorých pouitie nevyaduje iadne mimoriadne opatrenia na zabezpečenie ochrany ivotného prostredia. (Slovak)
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The subject of the grant is the renovation of the building for the boarding school, Kolská 12, Michalovce. Rated building is three-storey, Podpivničená, cloudy floor plan, is situated in flat terrain. The main entrance is oriented from the north side. The building is categorised as buildings of the building rounds and school facilities. Vertical availability of floors is ensured by an internal staircase. The object is original, after partial reconstruction. An exchange of open-air contrusions has been carried out. The proposed recontrusion fulfils project ideas as well as requirements imposed on thermal and hygienic requirements. The reason for building modifications and modernisation is mainly to improve the energy performance of the building, i.e. to reduce the energy intensity of the public building, wear itself, outdated appearance. The proposed modernisation will improve the thermal properties of the building, improve the hygiene conditions and generally impair the quality of the internal microclimate. The building is built in the construction system, which forms the basic modular network of columns 6000 x 6300 mm in a late and transverse direction with pre-installed gas silicate panels. The ceiling structure consists of epoxy concrete panels. The whole building will be heated from a heat source in the Cologne gas boiler room.The ventilation of the building is combined natural and forced in social rooms. Proposed building modifications of the modified building, individual construction procedures as well as subsequent operation will not have a negative impact on the environment beyond the normal standard corresponding to the current state of the technologies used in the construction of current buildings. Only materials and technologies will be used on the construction site, the application of which does not require any extraordinary measures to ensure environmental protection. (English)
15 September 2021
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0 references