Public transport line with zero emissions on the Straulesti route – Mogosoaia – Buftea – basic project (Q2747507): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): General objective: The general objective of the project is to develop an environmentally friendly public transport system that will reduce CO2 emissions and improve the accessibility of environmentally friendly modes of transport, through investments aimed at improving urban public passenger transport, namely the acquisition of 8 electric buses. The achievement of the project’s objectives will have a direct positive impact on the reduction of CO...)
(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location)
Property / coordinate location
44°31'47.03"N, 26°0'2.56"E
Property / coordinate location: 44°31'47.03"N, 26°0'2.56"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 13:22, 15 September 2021

Project Q2747507 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Public transport line with zero emissions on the Straulesti route – Mogosoaia – Buftea – basic project
Project Q2747507 in Romania


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    14,808,927.33 Romanian Leu
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    2,961,785.466 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    18,511,159.16 Romanian Leu
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    3,702,231.8320000004 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.8 percent
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    1 March 2018
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    30 September 2022
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    44°31'47.03"N, 26°0'2.56"E
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    Obiectiv general: Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea unui sistem de transport public ecologic care sa determine reducerea emisiilor de CO2 si imbunatatirea accesibilitatii modurilor de transport prietenoase cu mediul, prin investitii destinate îmbunatatirii transportului public urban de calatori, respectiv achizitia a 8 autobuze electrice. Realizarea obiectivelor proiectului va avea un impact pozitiv direct asupra reducerii emisiilor de echivalent CO2 la nivelul Orasului Chitila si Comunei Mogosoaia generate de transportul rutier motorizat, contribuie in mod direct la realizarea Obiectivului specific al axei prioritare 3.2 din POR 2014-2020, si anume reducerea emisiilor de carbon în zonele urbane bazata pe planurile de mobilitate urbana durabila. În acest sens, prin activitatile propuse prin proiect se va urmari, în principal, îmbunatatirea eficientei transportului public de calatori, a frecventei si a timpilor sai de parcurs, accesibilitatii, transferului catre acesta de la transportul privat cu autoturisme, precum si a transferului catre modurile nemotorizate de transport. De asemenea, se va urmari ca utilizarea autoturismelor sa devina o optiune mai putin atractiva din punct de vedere economic si al timpilor de parcurs, fata de utilizarea transportului public/a modurilor nemotorizate, creându-se în acest mod conditiile pentru reducerea numarului autoturismelor si reducerea emisiilor de echivalent CO2. Achizitionarea de autobuze ecologice va creste atractivitatea transportului public local, fapt care va susþine relocarea modala, respectiv renuntarea la efectuarea deplasarilor cu autovehicului personal în favoarea utilizarii mijloacelor de transport public local. Dotarea flotei de transport public cu 12 autobuze electrice noi si nepoluante va determina o parte dintre utilizatorii actuali ai autoturismului personal sa se îndrepte catre transportul public, fapt va conduce la reducerea impactului negativ creat de autovehiculele propulsate de motoare alimentate cu combustibili conventionali, inclusiv la reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera (echivalent CO2) deversate în atmosfera. Achizitionarea de mijloace de transport ecologic pentru prestarea serviciului de transport public de calatori va conduce la scaderea pentru anul 2021, primul an de dupa finalizarea implementarii proiectului, volumul emisiilor de CO2 din transport in aria de studiu a proiectului la 94243.00 tone CO2/an, respectiv 105603.00 tone/an in anul 2025. Astfel, se estimeaza o reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera (echivalent CO2) cu 1611.00 tone CO2/an, adica 1,68% în anul 2021, respectiv cu 1725.00 tone CO2/an, adica 1.61% în anul 2025. Diminuarea emisiilor de GES va fi generata, în principal, de reducerea numarului de autoturisme din compunerea fluxurilor de penetratie cu originea/ destinatia STRAULESTI – MOGOSOAIA – BUFTEA (traseu R36), obtinuta ca urmare a relocarii modale de la vehiculul personal la transportul public; operarea ser (Romanian)
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    General objective: The general objective of the project is to develop an environmentally friendly public transport system that will reduce CO2 emissions and improve the accessibility of environmentally friendly modes of transport, through investments aimed at improving urban public passenger transport, namely the acquisition of 8 electric buses. The achievement of the project’s objectives will have a direct positive impact on the reduction of CO2-equivalent emissions at the level of Chitila City and Mogosoaia Commune generated by motorised road transport, directly contributing to the achievement of the specific objective of Priority Axis 3.2 of the 2014-2020 ROP, namely the reduction of carbon emissions in urban areas based on sustainable urban mobility plans. In this respect, the activities proposed by the project will be aimed mainly at improving the efficiency of public passenger transport, its frequency and journey times, accessibility, transfer to it from private transport by car, as well as the transfer to non-motorised modes of transport. It will also be aimed at making the use of cars a less attractive option in terms of economic and journey times, compared to the use of public transport/non-motorised modes, creating in this way the conditions for reducing the number of cars and reducing CO2 equivalent emissions. The purchase of environmentally friendly buses will increase the attractiveness of local public transport, which will support modal relocation, i.e. the abandonment of personal vehicle travel in favour of using local public transport. Equipping the public transport fleet with 12 new and clean electric buses will cause some of the current users of the private car to move towards public transport, which will reduce the negative impact created by motor vehicles fuelled by conventional fuels, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent) discharged into the atmosphere. The purchase of environmentally friendly means of transport for the provision of the public passenger transport service will decrease for 2021, the first year after the completion of the project implementation, the volume of CO2 emissions from transport in the project study area at 94243.00 tonnes CO2/year, respectively 105603.00 tonnes/year in 2025. Thus, it is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (equivalent to CO2) by 1611.00 tonnes CO2/year, i.e. 1.68 % in 2021, respectively by 1725.00 tonnes CO2/year, i.e. 1.61 % in 2025. The reduction of GHG emissions will be mainly due to the reduction in the number of passenger cars made up of penetration flows with the origin/destination of Straulesti – Mogosoaia – BUFTEA (route R36), obtained as a result of modal relocation from the private vehicle to public transport; operation of serum (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Mogoşoaia, Romania
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    Oraş Chitila, Romania
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