Q3100806 (Q3100806): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: import item from Slovakia)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to provide expert studies, analyses, assessments and other advisory services for the needs of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as “RO OPII”) identified in the process of implementing the operational programme or individual projects. The project will be implemented through one main activity called Ensuring professional studies, analyses, assessments an...)
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide expert studies, analyses, assessments and other advisory services for the needs of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as “RO OPII”) identified in the process of implementing the operational programme or individual projects. The project will be implemented through one main activity called Ensuring professional studies, analyses, assessments and advisory services to support the management of OPII.This activity includes services in various areas of implementation of the operational programme, in particular: Knowledge-building studies to strengthen the decision-making competences of the MA, environmental studies and evaluations, process evaluation, project management services; support in managing audit findings or findings of audit bodies and assistance in addressing these findings, sociological surveys, specific legal advisory services including legal representation, services related to the setting up of information and publicity activities, or other services and expert activities related to the OPII implementation process to support the decision-making competences of the MA.  The measurement indicator of the project is the number of evaluations, analyses and studies carried out. Its value was established on the basis of the current experience of the OPII MA in using services of a similar nature in the past as well as the expected evolution of the situation in the process of implementing the OPII and the resulting needs of the Ministry of Transport, as the Managing Authority for OPII and the need to ensure its key competences. (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide expert studies, analyses, assessments and other advisory services for the needs of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as “RO OPII”) identified in the process of implementing the operational programme or individual projects. The project will be implemented through one main activity called Ensuring professional studies, analyses, assessments and advisory services to support the management of OPII.This activity includes services in various areas of implementation of the operational programme, in particular: Knowledge-building studies to strengthen the decision-making competences of the MA, environmental studies and evaluations, process evaluation, project management services; support in managing audit findings or findings of audit bodies and assistance in addressing these findings, sociological surveys, specific legal advisory services including legal representation, services related to the setting up of information and publicity activities, or other services and expert activities related to the OPII implementation process to support the decision-making competences of the MA.  The measurement indicator of the project is the number of evaluations, analyses and studies carried out. Its value was established on the basis of the current experience of the OPII MA in using services of a similar nature in the past as well as the expected evolution of the situation in the process of implementing the OPII and the resulting needs of the Ministry of Transport, as the Managing Authority for OPII and the need to ensure its key competences. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide expert studies, analyses, assessments and other advisory services for the needs of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as “RO OPII”) identified in the process of implementing the operational programme or individual projects. The project will be implemented through one main activity called Ensuring professional studies, analyses, assessments and advisory services to support the management of OPII.This activity includes services in various areas of implementation of the operational programme, in particular: Knowledge-building studies to strengthen the decision-making competences of the MA, environmental studies and evaluations, process evaluation, project management services; support in managing audit findings or findings of audit bodies and assistance in addressing these findings, sociological surveys, specific legal advisory services including legal representation, services related to the setting up of information and publicity activities, or other services and expert activities related to the OPII implementation process to support the decision-making competences of the MA.  The measurement indicator of the project is the number of evaluations, analyses and studies carried out. Its value was established on the basis of the current experience of the OPII MA in using services of a similar nature in the past as well as the expected evolution of the situation in the process of implementing the OPII and the resulting needs of the Ministry of Transport, as the Managing Authority for OPII and the need to ensure its key competences. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:09, 15 September 2021

Project Q3100806 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3100806 in Slovakia


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    811,573.4 Euro
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    989,000.0 Euro
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    0.82 percent
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    1 November 2016
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    1 December 2023
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    Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Ciežom projektu je zabezpeči poskytovanie odborných štúdií, analýz, posudkov a ostatných poradenských služieb pre potreby Riadiaceho orgánu Operačného programu Integrovaná infraštruktúra (ďalej ako "RO OPII") identifikovaných v procese implementácie operačného programu, resp. jednotlivých projektov. Projekt bude realizovaný prostredníctvom jednej hlavnej aktivity s názvom Zabezpečenie odborných štúdií, analýz, posudkov a poradenských služieb pre podporu riadenia OPII.Táto aktivita zahŕňa služby v rôznych oblastiach implementácie operačného programu, najmä: štúdie zamerané na získanie poznatkov pre posilnenie rozhodovacích kompetencií RO, environmentálne štúdie a hodnotenia, hodnotenia procesov, služby súvisiace s riadením projektov; podpora pri riadení auditných zistení, resp. zistení kontrolných orgánov a asistencia pri riešení týchto zistení, sociologické prieskumy, špecifické právne poradenské služby vrátane právneho zastupovania, služby súvisiace s nastavením informačných aktivít a aktivít publicity, resp. iné služby a expertné činnosti súvisiace s procesom implementácie OPII pre podporu rozhodovacích kompetencií RO.  Meratežným ukazovatežom projektu je  počet zrealizovaných hodnotení, analýz a štúdií. Jeho hodnota bola stanovená na  základe doterajšej skúsenosti RO OPII pri využívaní služieb podobného charakteru v minulosti ako aj očakávaného vývoja situácie v procese implementácie OPII a z toho vyplývajúcich potrieb MDV SR, ako Riadiaceho orgánu pre OPII a potreby zabezpečenia jeho kžúčových kompetencií. (Slovak)
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    The aim of the project is to provide expert studies, analyses, assessments and other advisory services for the needs of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as “RO OPII”) identified in the process of implementing the operational programme or individual projects. The project will be implemented through one main activity called Ensuring professional studies, analyses, assessments and advisory services to support the management of OPII.This activity includes services in various areas of implementation of the operational programme, in particular: Knowledge-building studies to strengthen the decision-making competences of the MA, environmental studies and evaluations, process evaluation, project management services; support in managing audit findings or findings of audit bodies and assistance in addressing these findings, sociological surveys, specific legal advisory services including legal representation, services related to the setting up of information and publicity activities, or other services and expert activities related to the OPII implementation process to support the decision-making competences of the MA.  The measurement indicator of the project is the number of evaluations, analyses and studies carried out. Its value was established on the basis of the current experience of the OPII MA in using services of a similar nature in the past as well as the expected evolution of the situation in the process of implementing the OPII and the resulting needs of the Ministry of Transport, as the Managing Authority for OPII and the need to ensure its key competences. (English)
    15 September 2021
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