Lenartov Community Center (Q3100737): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the village of Lenartov and the translated project is to support the development of their inhabitants and their social situation through life-long learning, inclusion in the labour market and addressing their unfavourable life situation. The main objective of this project is to: Improve the quality of life conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Lenartov with improved conditions in access to social infrastructure and soc...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Lenartov Community Center |
Revision as of 13:08, 15 September 2021
Project Q3100737 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Lenartov Community Center |
Project Q3100737 in Slovakia |
272,957.27 Euro
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321,126.2 Euro
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0.85 percent
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1 January 2017
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1 March 2020
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Obec Lenartov
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Zámerom obce Lenartov a prekladaného projektu je podpori rozvoj svojich obyvatežov a ich sociálnej situácie prostredníctvom celoivotného učenia, začlenenia sa na trhu práce a rieenia svojej nepriaznivej ivotnej situácie. Predkladaný projekt má za hlavný ciež: Zvýi kvalitu ivotných podmienok obyvatežov obce Lenartov zlepenými podmienkami v prístupe k sociálnej infratruktúre a sociálnym slubám. pecifický ciež 1) Vybudova komunitné centrum s maximálnymi poiadavkami na priestory (s celkovou úitkovou plochou 247,43m2 a s takmer nulovou potrebou energie) na území obce Lenartov (parcela č.464).pecifický ciež 2) Zabezpeči materiálno-technické vybavenie novovybudovaného komunitného centra pre potreby poskytovania sociálnych sluieb (vrátane zabezpečenia bezbariérovosti objektu prostredníctvom schodolezu). pecifický ciež 3) Registrova poskytovanie sociálnych sluieb v novovybudovanom komunitnom centre v registri poskytovatežov sociálnych sluieb.Na uvedené ciele budú nadväzova ciele Prioritnej osi č.5 prostredníctvom realizácie programu Take away balíček.V zmysle výzvy OPLZ-PO6-SC613-2016-2 je predmetom projektu typ aktivity C) Podpora výstavby nových komunitných centier, t.j. vybudovanie technickej infratruktúry v obci s prítomnosou MRK s náleitým vybavením nového objektu. Podpornými aktivitami projektu je riadenie (projektový manament) a informovanie komunikácia o realizácii investičného projektu.Meratežnými ukazovatežmi projektu sú: PO232 Počet nových zariadení sociálnej infratruktúry 1PO527 Počet vytvorených pracovných miest cielene pre MRK prostredníctvom uplatnenia sociálneho aspektu vo verejných obstarávaniach - 2 (Slovak)
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The aim of the village of Lenartov and the translated project is to support the development of their inhabitants and their social situation through life-long learning, inclusion in the labour market and addressing their unfavourable life situation. The main objective of this project is to: Improve the quality of life conditions of the inhabitants of the municipality of Lenartov with improved conditions in access to social infrastructure and social promises. Specific objective 1) to build a community centre with maximum requirements for premises (with a total benefit area of 247.43 m² and with almost zero energy demand) in the territory of the municipality of Lenartov (parcel No.464).Specific objective 2) will provide material and technical equipment of the newly built community centre for the needs of providing social services (including ensuring the accessibility of the building through a staircase). Specific objective 3) register the provision of social services in the newly built community center in the register of social service providers.To the above objectives, priority axis No.5 objectives will be followed up through the implementation of the Take away package programme.In accordance with the call OPLZ-PO6-SC613-2016-2, the subject of the project is type of activity C) Support for the construction of new community centers, i.e. the construction of technical infrastructure in the village with the presence of MRK with the necessary equipment of a new building. The project’s support activities are management (project management) and communication on the implementation of the investment project. The measurement indicators of the project are: PO232 Number of new social infrastructure facilities 1PO527 Number of jobs specifically created for CLLD through the application of the social aspect in public procurements – 2 (English)
15 September 2021
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