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(‎Changed an Item: import item from Slovakia)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The national project entitled “Measuring the efficiency of provided public administration services, institutional development of Client Centres and integration of customer feedback” is aimed at streamlining services provided by public administration. This main objective of the project will be achieved through the expansion of the network of client centers in Slovakia, their monitoring, measurement and evaluation of performance, the expansion of...)
Property / summary
The national project entitled “Measuring the efficiency of provided public administration services, institutional development of Client Centres and integration of customer feedback” is aimed at streamlining services provided by public administration. This main objective of the project will be achieved through the expansion of the network of client centers in Slovakia, their monitoring, measurement and evaluation of performance, the expansion of provided services, the introduction of a system for measuring satisfaction with the public administration’s obligations, strengthening the institutional capacity of the public administration, or exploiting synergies with cooperating entities. The project consists of the implementation of 5 aktivít:Zefektívňovanie public administration carried out for the purpose of public administration reformComprehensive analysis and efficiency of the operation of client centersThe expansion of the network of client centers and monitoring of their activitiesDevelopment of human resourcesMeasuring satisfaction with the provision of public administration servicesThe project will be implemented throughout Slovakia. When the services of the public administration affect any person who comes into contact with it, whether as a reception or their provider, the target group of the project monodivided from two aspects: The project group will consist of employees of the public administration – state administration and self-government, who occupy the position of service provider (staff of district offices, employees of the district transport inspectorate, employees of the Department of Documents and Records of the Presidium of the Police, etc.). The objective group is designed to respect the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination, i.e. diverse age and educational levels, representing men and others. Streamlining public administration organisations, completing the network of client centers, and measuring their performance, implementing corrective measures as part of the measurement of satisfaction, developing soft skills or promoting KC will directly affect employees – public service providers. The identified target group will participate in the implementation of the project and profit from its outputs. Another target group of the project will consist of legal and natural persons directly using public administration services and thus occupying the position of service users. It is the public will play a strategic role in many areas of project implementation, such as using the services of client centers, participating in the course of measuring satisfaction with the public administration, seeing its promotion or implementation of corrective measures will be adapted to the public opinion and requirements of the company. The submitted request for a non-repayable financial contribution is therefore designed in such a way that the target group in question can benefit directly from the implementation of the project. Implementation of the project is in accordance with the horizontal principle of the aggravating development and promotion of equality of men and women and non-discrimination by the following spôsobom:orientovanie public administration for the benefit of citizens, providing its services quickly, efficiently and in good quality;promoting human capital and adaptation to all changes resulting from new economic and social conditions, in the interest of good and trustworthy service to citizens; education of state employees;promoting smart, sustained and inclusive growth, through a cost-effective modernisation of public administration;increasing the quality and efficiency of services, their systematic development in all segments of public administration;transparent and measured implementation of the performance of public services in relation to spent public resources;non-discrimination in the selection of professional and administrative capacities; gender equality in the field of pay; provision of information and services accessible; non-discriminatory and thanks to barrier-free spaces and accessible for persons with disabilities; creating measures to simplify administrative procedures; removing bureaucracy and reducing regulatory requirements. (English)
Property / summary: The national project entitled “Measuring the efficiency of provided public administration services, institutional development of Client Centres and integration of customer feedback” is aimed at streamlining services provided by public administration. This main objective of the project will be achieved through the expansion of the network of client centers in Slovakia, their monitoring, measurement and evaluation of performance, the expansion of provided services, the introduction of a system for measuring satisfaction with the public administration’s obligations, strengthening the institutional capacity of the public administration, or exploiting synergies with cooperating entities. The project consists of the implementation of 5 aktivít:Zefektívňovanie public administration carried out for the purpose of public administration reformComprehensive analysis and efficiency of the operation of client centersThe expansion of the network of client centers and monitoring of their activitiesDevelopment of human resourcesMeasuring satisfaction with the provision of public administration servicesThe project will be implemented throughout Slovakia. When the services of the public administration affect any person who comes into contact with it, whether as a reception or their provider, the target group of the project monodivided from two aspects: The project group will consist of employees of the public administration – state administration and self-government, who occupy the position of service provider (staff of district offices, employees of the district transport inspectorate, employees of the Department of Documents and Records of the Presidium of the Police, etc.). The objective group is designed to respect the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination, i.e. diverse age and educational levels, representing men and others. Streamlining public administration organisations, completing the network of client centers, and measuring their performance, implementing corrective measures as part of the measurement of satisfaction, developing soft skills or promoting KC will directly affect employees – public service providers. The identified target group will participate in the implementation of the project and profit from its outputs. Another target group of the project will consist of legal and natural persons directly using public administration services and thus occupying the position of service users. It is the public will play a strategic role in many areas of project implementation, such as using the services of client centers, participating in the course of measuring satisfaction with the public administration, seeing its promotion or implementation of corrective measures will be adapted to the public opinion and requirements of the company. The submitted request for a non-repayable financial contribution is therefore designed in such a way that the target group in question can benefit directly from the implementation of the project. Implementation of the project is in accordance with the horizontal principle of the aggravating development and promotion of equality of men and women and non-discrimination by the following spôsobom:orientovanie public administration for the benefit of citizens, providing its services quickly, efficiently and in good quality;promoting human capital and adaptation to all changes resulting from new economic and social conditions, in the interest of good and trustworthy service to citizens; education of state employees;promoting smart, sustained and inclusive growth, through a cost-effective modernisation of public administration;increasing the quality and efficiency of services, their systematic development in all segments of public administration;transparent and measured implementation of the performance of public services in relation to spent public resources;non-discrimination in the selection of professional and administrative capacities; gender equality in the field of pay; provision of information and services accessible; non-discriminatory and thanks to barrier-free spaces and accessible for persons with disabilities; creating measures to simplify administrative procedures; removing bureaucracy and reducing regulatory requirements. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The national project entitled “Measuring the efficiency of provided public administration services, institutional development of Client Centres and integration of customer feedback” is aimed at streamlining services provided by public administration. This main objective of the project will be achieved through the expansion of the network of client centers in Slovakia, their monitoring, measurement and evaluation of performance, the expansion of provided services, the introduction of a system for measuring satisfaction with the public administration’s obligations, strengthening the institutional capacity of the public administration, or exploiting synergies with cooperating entities. The project consists of the implementation of 5 aktivít:Zefektívňovanie public administration carried out for the purpose of public administration reformComprehensive analysis and efficiency of the operation of client centersThe expansion of the network of client centers and monitoring of their activitiesDevelopment of human resourcesMeasuring satisfaction with the provision of public administration servicesThe project will be implemented throughout Slovakia. When the services of the public administration affect any person who comes into contact with it, whether as a reception or their provider, the target group of the project monodivided from two aspects: The project group will consist of employees of the public administration – state administration and self-government, who occupy the position of service provider (staff of district offices, employees of the district transport inspectorate, employees of the Department of Documents and Records of the Presidium of the Police, etc.). The objective group is designed to respect the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination, i.e. diverse age and educational levels, representing men and others. Streamlining public administration organisations, completing the network of client centers, and measuring their performance, implementing corrective measures as part of the measurement of satisfaction, developing soft skills or promoting KC will directly affect employees – public service providers. The identified target group will participate in the implementation of the project and profit from its outputs. Another target group of the project will consist of legal and natural persons directly using public administration services and thus occupying the position of service users. It is the public will play a strategic role in many areas of project implementation, such as using the services of client centers, participating in the course of measuring satisfaction with the public administration, seeing its promotion or implementation of corrective measures will be adapted to the public opinion and requirements of the company. The submitted request for a non-repayable financial contribution is therefore designed in such a way that the target group in question can benefit directly from the implementation of the project. Implementation of the project is in accordance with the horizontal principle of the aggravating development and promotion of equality of men and women and non-discrimination by the following spôsobom:orientovanie public administration for the benefit of citizens, providing its services quickly, efficiently and in good quality;promoting human capital and adaptation to all changes resulting from new economic and social conditions, in the interest of good and trustworthy service to citizens; education of state employees;promoting smart, sustained and inclusive growth, through a cost-effective modernisation of public administration;increasing the quality and efficiency of services, their systematic development in all segments of public administration;transparent and measured implementation of the performance of public services in relation to spent public resources;non-discrimination in the selection of professional and administrative capacities; gender equality in the field of pay; provision of information and services accessible; non-discriminatory and thanks to barrier-free spaces and accessible for persons with disabilities; creating measures to simplify administrative procedures; removing bureaucracy and reducing regulatory requirements. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:07, 15 September 2021

Project Q3100715 in Slovakia
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Project Q3100715 in Slovakia


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    212,266.89 Euro
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    3,628,372.63 Euro
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    1 April 2015
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    1 December 2020
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    Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
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    48°8'54.96"N, 17°6'27.90"E
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    Národný projekt s názvom „Meranie efektívnosti poskytovaných služieb verejnej správy, inštitucionálny rozvoj Klientskych centier a integrácia spätnej väzby klientov“ je zameraný na zefektívnenie služieb poskytovaných verejnou správou. Tento hlavný ciež projektu bude dosiahnutý prostredníctvom rozšírenia siete klientskych centier na Slovensku, ich monitoringom, meraním a vyhodnocovaním výkonnosti, rozširovaním poskytovaných služieb, zavedením systému merania spokojnosti so službami verejnej správy, posilnením inštitucionálnych kapacít verejnej správy, či využívaním synergických efektov so spolupracujúcimi subjektmi. Projekt pozostáva z realizácie 5 aktivít:Zefektívňovanie verejnej správy realizované za účelom reformy verejnej správyKomplexná analýza a zefektívnenie fungovania klientskych centierRozširovanie siete klientskych centier a monitoring ich činnostiRozvoj žudských zdrojovMeranie spokojnosti s poskytovaním služieb verejnej správyProjekt bude realizovaný na celom území Slovenska. Keďže služby verejnej správy ovplyvňujú každú osobu, ktorá s ňou prichádza do kontaktu, či už ako prijímatež alebo ich poskytovatež, ciežovú skupinu projektu možno rozdeli z dvoch aspektov nasledovne:Ciežovú skupinu projektu budú tvori zamestnanci verejnej správy - štátnej správy a samosprávy, ktorí zastávajú pozíciu poskytovateža služieb (zamestnanci okresných úradov, zamestnanci okresného dopravného inšpektorátu, zamestnanci Odboru dokladov a evidencií Prezídia PZ a pod.). Ciežová skupina je zostavená tak, aby rešpektovala princíp rovnakého zaobchádzania a nediskriminácie, tz. rôznorodá veková i vzdelanostná úroveň, v zastúpení mužov a žien. Zefektívnenie organizácií verejnej správy, dobudovanie siete klientskych centier, a meranie ich výkonnosti, zavádzanie nápravných opatrení v rámci merania spokojnosti, rozvoj mäkkých zručností či propagácia KC sa bude priamo dotýka zamestnancov - poskytovatežov verejných služieb.  Identifikovaná ciežová skupina sa bude podieža na realizácii projektu a profitova z jeho výstupov.Ďalšiu ciežovú skupinu projektu budú tvori právnické a fyzické osoby priamo využívajúce služby verejnej správy a teda zastávajúce pozíciu užívatežov služieb. Práve verejnos bude zohráva strategickú rolu v mnohých oblastiach implementácie projektu ako napr. využíva služby klientskych centier, participova na priebehu merania spokojnosti so službami verejnej správy, vníma jej propagáciu alebo zavádzanie nápravných opatrení bude prispôsobené verejnej mienke a požiadavkám spoločnosti. Predložená žiados o nenávratný finančný príspevok je teda zostavená tak, aby predmetná ciežová skupina mohla priamo profitova z realizácie projektu. Realizácia projektu je v súlade s horizontálnym princípom udržatežného rozvoja a podpory rovnosti mužov a žien a nediskriminácie nasledovným spôsobom:orientovanie verejnej správy v prospech občanov, poskytovanie svojich služieb rýchlo, efektívne a kvalitne;podpora žudského kapitálu a adaptácie na všetky zmeny vyplývajúce z nových podmienok ekonomického a spoločenského charakteru, v záujme kvalitne a dôveryhodne slúži občanom;vzdelávanie štátnych zamestnancov;podpora inteligentného, udržatežného a inkluzívneho rastu, prostredníctvom nákladovo-efektívnej modernizácie verejnej správy;zvýšenie kvality a efektivity služieb, ich systematický rozvoj vo všetkých segmentoch verejnej správy;transparentná a meratežná realizácia výkonu služieb verejnej správy vo vzahu ku vynaloženým verejným zdrojom;nediskriminácia v oblasti výberu odborných a administratívnych kapacít;rovnos pohlaví v oblasti mzdového ohodnotenia;poskytovanie informácií a služieb dostupne, nediskriminačne a vďaka bezbarierovým priestorom i prístupne pre osoby zo zdravotným postihnutím;vytváranie opatrení na zjednodušenie administratívnych procedúr;odstraňovanie byrokracie a znižovanie regulačného zaaženia.Pri jednotlivých aktivitách budú sledované meratežné ukazovatele:Aktivita – „Počet koncepčných, analytických a metodických materiálov“                „Počet osôb zapojených do vzdelávania“                „Počet úspešných absolventov vzdelávania“Aktivita – „Počet koncepčných, analytických a metodických materiálov“Aktivita - „Počet okresných úradov zapojených do implementovania inovovaných procesov“                 „Počet okresných úradov, ktoré implementovali inovované procesy“                 „Počet podporených klientskych centier poskytujúcich proklientsky orientované služby FO a PO“Aktivita – „Počet osôb zapojených do vzdelávania“                „Počet úspešných absolventov vzdelávacích aktivít“Aktivita - „Počet subjektov, ktoré získali podporu na zavedenie a/alebo zlepšenie systémov merania spokojnosti klientov“               „Počet subjektov so zavedenými alebo zlepšenými systémami merania spokojnosti klientov“                „Počet zrealizovaných informačných aktivít“ Ukazovatež "počet úspešných absolventov vzdelávacích aktivít" je stanovený ako 80 % podiel z plánovaného počtu zapojených osôb do vzdelávania. Táto (Slovak)
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    The national project entitled “Measuring the efficiency of provided public administration services, institutional development of Client Centres and integration of customer feedback” is aimed at streamlining services provided by public administration. This main objective of the project will be achieved through the expansion of the network of client centers in Slovakia, their monitoring, measurement and evaluation of performance, the expansion of provided services, the introduction of a system for measuring satisfaction with the public administration’s obligations, strengthening the institutional capacity of the public administration, or exploiting synergies with cooperating entities. The project consists of the implementation of 5 aktivít:Zefektívňovanie public administration carried out for the purpose of public administration reformComprehensive analysis and efficiency of the operation of client centersThe expansion of the network of client centers and monitoring of their activitiesDevelopment of human resourcesMeasuring satisfaction with the provision of public administration servicesThe project will be implemented throughout Slovakia. When the services of the public administration affect any person who comes into contact with it, whether as a reception or their provider, the target group of the project monodivided from two aspects: The project group will consist of employees of the public administration – state administration and self-government, who occupy the position of service provider (staff of district offices, employees of the district transport inspectorate, employees of the Department of Documents and Records of the Presidium of the Police, etc.). The objective group is designed to respect the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination, i.e. diverse age and educational levels, representing men and others. Streamlining public administration organisations, completing the network of client centers, and measuring their performance, implementing corrective measures as part of the measurement of satisfaction, developing soft skills or promoting KC will directly affect employees – public service providers. The identified target group will participate in the implementation of the project and profit from its outputs. Another target group of the project will consist of legal and natural persons directly using public administration services and thus occupying the position of service users. It is the public will play a strategic role in many areas of project implementation, such as using the services of client centers, participating in the course of measuring satisfaction with the public administration, seeing its promotion or implementation of corrective measures will be adapted to the public opinion and requirements of the company. The submitted request for a non-repayable financial contribution is therefore designed in such a way that the target group in question can benefit directly from the implementation of the project. Implementation of the project is in accordance with the horizontal principle of the aggravating development and promotion of equality of men and women and non-discrimination by the following spôsobom:orientovanie public administration for the benefit of citizens, providing its services quickly, efficiently and in good quality;promoting human capital and adaptation to all changes resulting from new economic and social conditions, in the interest of good and trustworthy service to citizens; education of state employees;promoting smart, sustained and inclusive growth, through a cost-effective modernisation of public administration;increasing the quality and efficiency of services, their systematic development in all segments of public administration;transparent and measured implementation of the performance of public services in relation to spent public resources;non-discrimination in the selection of professional and administrative capacities; gender equality in the field of pay; provision of information and services accessible; non-discriminatory and thanks to barrier-free spaces and accessible for persons with disabilities; creating measures to simplify administrative procedures; removing bureaucracy and reducing regulatory requirements. (English)
    15 September 2021
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