Diversifying the activity of EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L. through the acquisition of a line of firewood production (Q2740881): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to strengthen the market position in the newly accessed field, to develop, modernise, diversify and increase the competitiveness of the new and innovative sector for the production company: firewood production – CAEN 1629 "Manufacture of other wood products; manufacture of articles made of cork, straw and other plaited vegetable materials" (Cleaved and trimmed wood; thin split for pizza/grill- cf. CAEN cod...)
(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location)
Property / coordinate location
44°26'21.55"N, 26°5'51.83"E
Property / coordinate location: 44°26'21.55"N, 26°5'51.83"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 12:27, 15 September 2021

Project Q2740881 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Diversifying the activity of EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L. through the acquisition of a line of firewood production
Project Q2740881 in Romania


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    384,544.4 Romanian Leu
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    76,908.88 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    565,506.48 Romanian Leu
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    113,101.296 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.68 percent
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    1 June 2019
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    31 January 2022
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    44°26'21.55"N, 26°5'51.83"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului are in vedere consolidarea pozitiei pe piata in domeniul nou accesat, dezvoltarea, modernizarea, diversificarea si cresterea competitivitatii sectorului nou si inovativ pentru societate de productie: productie lemne pentru foc - CAEN 1629 “Fabricarea altor produse din lemn; fabricarea articolelor din pluta, paie si din alte materiale vegetale impletite” (Lemn foc despicat si fasonat ; despicat subtire pentru pizza/grill- cf. cod CAEN) al EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L., cresterea sustenabila a competitivitatii mediului de afaceri local, regional si national. Pe termen scurt obiectivele societatii EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L. sunt: - cresterea si diversificarea capacitatii de productie si prestare servicii; - implementarea de tehnologii invatoare de ultima generatie; - fluidizarea si eficientizarea fluxului tehnologic (prin eficientizare energetica); - cresterea nivelului de utilizare a surselor regenerabile de energie; - imbunatatirea calitatii mediului (prin reducerea noxelor); - crearea unei clientele fidele serviciilor prestate dar si a produselor viitoare oferite; - cresterea permanenta a calitatii serviciilor prestate dar si a produselor viitoare oferite; - eficientizarea muncii angajatilor; - promovarea si consolidarea inaginii EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L. in piata de profil. Pe termen mediu si lung, obiectivele urmarite de societate pot fi enuntate astfel: - cresterea vanzarilor totale cu cel putin 10% fata de nivelul inregistrat in anul 2018 in 3 ani de la finalizarea implementarii proiectului; - cresterea cotei de piata pana la 3 % in 3 ani de la finalizarea implementarii proiectului; - diversificarea activitatii societatii prin includerea unor activitati inovative fata de cele actuale ale societatii - conform CAEN 1629 “Fabricarea altor produse din lemn; fabricarea articolelor din pluta, paie si din alte materiale vegetale impletite”; - cresterea si mentinerea numarului mediu de angajati fata de nivelul inregistrat in anul fiscal 2018 pana la finalizarea perioadei de durabilitate a proiectului cu 5 unitati; - cresterea nivelului calitativ al serviciilor prestate si a produselor viitoare oferite; - cresterea productivitatii muncii; - valorificarea potentialului sectorului de productei lemne pentru foc; - diminuarea impactului negativ asupra mediului ; - respectarea egalitatii de sanse si a tratamentului egal intre femei si barbati, interzicerea discriminarilor bazate pe origine etnica, sex, religie, varsta, aparteneta la grupuri minoritare,dizabilitati sau orientare sexuala in cadrul relatiilor de munca prin introducerea de dispozitii atat in regulamentele de organizare si functionare cat si in regulamentul intern al societatii. Proiectul are un pronuntat caracter inovativ sustinut de achizitia si dezvoltarea unei noi linii de productie si ambalare lemne foc in cadrul unui flux inovativ pentru societate de productie. Proiectul propus se adreseaza si contribuie la realizarea obiectivului axei priori (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to strengthen the market position in the newly accessed field, to develop, modernise, diversify and increase the competitiveness of the new and innovative sector for the production company: firewood production – CAEN 1629 "Manufacture of other wood products; manufacture of articles made of cork, straw and other plaited vegetable materials" (Cleaved and trimmed wood; thin split for pizza/grill- cf. CAEN code) of EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L., sustainably increasing the competitiveness of the local, regional and national business environment. In the short term, the objectives of EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L. are: — increasing and diversifying the production and service provision capacity; the implementation of cutting-edge learning technologies; — fluidisation and efficiency of the technological flow (through energy efficiency); — increasing the use of renewable energy sources; — improving the quality of the environment (by reducing harmful effects); — creating a true clientele of the services provided but also of future products offered; — the permanent increase of the quality of the services provided and of the future products offered; making the work of employees more efficient; — promotion and consolidation of EUROTOP TRANS S.R.L. in the market. In the medium and long term, the objectives pursued by society can be as follows: — the increase of total sales by at least 10 % compared to the level recorded in 2018 in 3 years after the completion of the project implementation; — increasing the market share up to 3 % in 3 years after the completion of the project implementation; — diversification of the company’s activity by including innovative activities compared to the current ones of the company – according to CAEN 1629 "Manufacture of other wood products; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and other plaited vegetable materials’; — increasing and maintaining the average number of employees compared to the level recorded in the fiscal year 2018 until the end of the project’s sustainability period by 5 units; — increasing the quality of the services provided and future products offered; — increasing labor productivity; — capitalising on the potential of the firewood production sector; — reducing the negative impact on the environment; — respect for equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men, prohibition of discrimination based on ethnic origin, sex, religion, age, belonging to minority groups, disability or sexual orientation in working relationships by introducing provisions both in the organisation and functioning regulations and in the internal rules of the society. The project has a pronounced innovative character supported by the acquisition and development of a new line of production and packaging of firewood within an innovative flow for the production company. The proposed project addresses and contributes to the achievement of the objective of the priori axis (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Oneşti, Romania
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