Integrated measures for the marginalised community with the population belonging to the Roma minority in Anina, Caras-Severin county (Q3096459): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to significantly reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from the marginalised community in Anina where there is a population belonging to the Roma minority, by applying a complete set of integrated and innovative measures that meet the specific needs of the target group, identified in the preliminary analysis. This objective will be achieved through measures of information/awar...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label) |
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Integrated measures for the marginalised community with the population belonging to the Roma minority in Anina, Caras-Severin county |
Revision as of 15:42, 14 September 2021
Project Q3096459 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Integrated measures for the marginalised community with the population belonging to the Roma minority in Anina, Caras-Severin county |
Project Q3096459 in Romania |
12,237,243.23 Romanian Leu
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14,488,672.87 Romanian Leu
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0.84 percent
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14 August 2017
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13 October 2020
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este reducerea semnificativa a numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatea marginalizata din Anina in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii rome, prin aplicarea unui set complet de masuri integrate si inovative, care raspund nevoilor specifice ale grupului tinta, identificate in analiza preliminara. Acest obiectiv se va realiza prin masuri de informare/constientizare, motivare si Empowerment care "ajuta persoanele marginalizate sa se ajute singure" pentru a deveni active in imbunatatirea propriilor conditii de viata, prin constituirea de grupuri de sprijin si a unei asociatii care contribuie la crearea coeziunii sociale si la asigurarea legaturii cu alti actori sociali ce pot contribui la dezvoltarea comunitatii (inclusiv prin actiuni de responsabilitate sociala ale companiilor pentru dezvoltarea comunitatii marginalizate). Masurile mentionate mai sus au un caracter cuprinzator si inovativ si vor fi completate cu masuri directe de sprijin a persoanelor marginalizate pentru depasirea riscului de saracie si excluziune sociala: educatie (de la copii pana la adulti participanti la programe tip a doua sansa), servicii specializate de ocupare, formare profesionala si masuri active pentru imbunatatirea motivatiei si depasirea obstacolelor fizice/psihologice care faciliteaza ocuparea directa (pentru tineri, adulti, dar si persoane varstnice si persoane cu dizabilitati apte sa desfasoare activitati lucrative), antreprenoriat (promovarea culturii antreprenoriale si crearea conditiilor pentru finantarea si dezvoltarea de afaceri profitabile si sustenabile), servicii sociale (de insertie/reinsertie sociala, ingrijire personala si recuperare/reabilitare), servicii medicale de baza, servicii medico-sociale specializate (prin infiintarea Centrului de Servicii Integrate Medico-Sociale CSIMS Pro Vitam Anina), sprijin pentru locuire (reabilitarea unui bloc de locuinte) si reglementarea actelor. Avand in vedere experienta si rezultatele obtinute pana in prezent de Solicitant si partenerii 1 si 2 in domeniul social, al ocuparii si antreprenoriatului, dar si interesul identificat in randul angajatorilor privind angajarea unui numar mare de persoane, exista premise ca proiectul implementat in parteneriat cu organizatii de la nivel local specializate in domeniile de sprijin pentru grupul tinta (autoritate publica locala si o institutie de invatamant) sa produca efecte imediate la nivelul familiilor/gospodariilor marginalizate si sa contribuie decisiv la reducerea semnificativa a numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala din comunitatea marginalizata din Anina in care exista populatie apartinand minoritatii rome. Pe termen lung, proiectul va genera efecte pozitive in privinta asigurarii unui cadru optim de dezvoltare a comunitatii marginalizate prin imbunatatirea educatiei si formarii profesionale, a serviciilor medico-sociale, imbunatatirea conditiilor de l (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to significantly reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from the marginalised community in Anina where there is a population belonging to the Roma minority, by applying a complete set of integrated and innovative measures that meet the specific needs of the target group, identified in the preliminary analysis. This objective will be achieved through measures of information/awareness, motivation and Empowerment that “help marginalised people to help themselves” in order to become active in improving their own living conditions, by setting up support groups and an association that contributes to the creation of social cohesion and to ensure the connection with other social actors that can contribute to the development of the community (including through actions of social responsibility of companies for the development of marginalised community). The measures mentioned above have a comprehensive and innovative character and will be complemented by direct measures to support marginalised people to overcome the risk of poverty and social exclusion: education (from children to adults participating in second chance programs), specialised employment services, professional training and active measures to improve motivation and overcome physical/psychological obstacles that facilitate direct employment (for young people, adults, but also older people and people with disabilities capable of carrying out lucrative activities), entrepreneurship (promoting entrepreneurial culture and creating conditions for profitable and sustainable business financing and development), social services (social insertion/reinsertion, personal care and recovery/rehabilitation), basic medical services, specialised medical-social services (by setting up the Center for Integrated Medico-Sociale Services CSIMS Pro Vitam Anina), housing support (rehabilitation of a housing block) and regulation of documents. Given the experience and results achieved so far by Applicant and 1 and 2 partners in the social, employment and entrepreneurship fields, but also the interest identified among employers in employing a large number of people, there are prerequisites for the project implemented in partnership with local organisations specialised in the areas of support for the target group (local public authority and an educational institution) to produce immediate effects at the level of marginalised families/households and to contribute decisively to the significant reduction of the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in the marginalised community in Anina where there is a population belonging to the Roma minority. In the long term, the project will generate positive effects in terms of ensuring an optimal framework for the development of the marginalised community by improving professional education and training, medical and social services, improving the conditions of (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Anina, Romania
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