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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to improve the educational infrastructure, leading to increased educational quality and access to compulsory education in Gheorghe Pop de Basesti High School in Cehu Silvaniei City. The project presented in this application for funding contributes significantly to the achievement of the objective of ROP 10.2 (Enhancing the degree of participation in vocational and technical education and lifelong learning)...)
Property / summary
The general objective of the project is to improve the educational infrastructure, leading to increased educational quality and access to compulsory education in Gheorghe Pop de Basesti High School in Cehu Silvaniei City. The project presented in this application for funding contributes significantly to the achievement of the objective of ROP 10.2 (Enhancing the degree of participation in vocational and technical education and lifelong learning), because it aims to improve the quality of education, improve access to quality education for children from professional and technical education and lifelong learning. Rehabilitated buildings, arrangement and enclosure enclosure, according to the present project will comply with the norms in force and practically will be assimilable to a new construction with the same destination: high school tenic education building. Thus, high-school technical education will be able to take place in optimal conditions, becoming attractive to the target youth, including by using current technologies in all areas of training that it covers. The level of education is a key factor in national development, as it largely determines economic activity and productivity as well as labour mobility, creating the long-term prerequisites for a higher standard of living and quality of life. Given negative demographic trends, the educational profile of the population is a prerequisite for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. However, this cannot be achieved without adequate/appropriate infrastructure. Educational infrastructure is essential for building social skills, developing professional competences and capacity for socio-professional integration. Socio-economic analyses highlight the causal relationship between the level of capacity development of the workforce and the state of the infrastructure (the existence of adequate premises and facilities) in which the education and training process is carried out. The objectives of the investment are to improve the quality of education infrastructure, schools, to ensure an educational process at European standards and to increase the participation of the school population in the educational process, while contributing to the achievement of horizontal objectives in the field of equal opportunities, environmental protection and sustainable development. Today’s educational market conditions (increasing the number of bidders, globalisation, the emergence of new forms of education, the transformation of schools into mainstream education institutions, etc.) make ensuring the quality of a school’s services a major factor in determining its competitiveness and attractiveness. This project promotes an investment in order to encourage school education and increase the number of pupils, as well as to raise their performance levels. (English)
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to improve the educational infrastructure, leading to increased educational quality and access to compulsory education in Gheorghe Pop de Basesti High School in Cehu Silvaniei City. The project presented in this application for funding contributes significantly to the achievement of the objective of ROP 10.2 (Enhancing the degree of participation in vocational and technical education and lifelong learning), because it aims to improve the quality of education, improve access to quality education for children from professional and technical education and lifelong learning. Rehabilitated buildings, arrangement and enclosure enclosure, according to the present project will comply with the norms in force and practically will be assimilable to a new construction with the same destination: high school tenic education building. Thus, high-school technical education will be able to take place in optimal conditions, becoming attractive to the target youth, including by using current technologies in all areas of training that it covers. The level of education is a key factor in national development, as it largely determines economic activity and productivity as well as labour mobility, creating the long-term prerequisites for a higher standard of living and quality of life. Given negative demographic trends, the educational profile of the population is a prerequisite for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. However, this cannot be achieved without adequate/appropriate infrastructure. Educational infrastructure is essential for building social skills, developing professional competences and capacity for socio-professional integration. Socio-economic analyses highlight the causal relationship between the level of capacity development of the workforce and the state of the infrastructure (the existence of adequate premises and facilities) in which the education and training process is carried out. The objectives of the investment are to improve the quality of education infrastructure, schools, to ensure an educational process at European standards and to increase the participation of the school population in the educational process, while contributing to the achievement of horizontal objectives in the field of equal opportunities, environmental protection and sustainable development. Today’s educational market conditions (increasing the number of bidders, globalisation, the emergence of new forms of education, the transformation of schools into mainstream education institutions, etc.) make ensuring the quality of a school’s services a major factor in determining its competitiveness and attractiveness. This project promotes an investment in order to encourage school education and increase the number of pupils, as well as to raise their performance levels. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to improve the educational infrastructure, leading to increased educational quality and access to compulsory education in Gheorghe Pop de Basesti High School in Cehu Silvaniei City. The project presented in this application for funding contributes significantly to the achievement of the objective of ROP 10.2 (Enhancing the degree of participation in vocational and technical education and lifelong learning), because it aims to improve the quality of education, improve access to quality education for children from professional and technical education and lifelong learning. Rehabilitated buildings, arrangement and enclosure enclosure, according to the present project will comply with the norms in force and practically will be assimilable to a new construction with the same destination: high school tenic education building. Thus, high-school technical education will be able to take place in optimal conditions, becoming attractive to the target youth, including by using current technologies in all areas of training that it covers. The level of education is a key factor in national development, as it largely determines economic activity and productivity as well as labour mobility, creating the long-term prerequisites for a higher standard of living and quality of life. Given negative demographic trends, the educational profile of the population is a prerequisite for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. However, this cannot be achieved without adequate/appropriate infrastructure. Educational infrastructure is essential for building social skills, developing professional competences and capacity for socio-professional integration. Socio-economic analyses highlight the causal relationship between the level of capacity development of the workforce and the state of the infrastructure (the existence of adequate premises and facilities) in which the education and training process is carried out. The objectives of the investment are to improve the quality of education infrastructure, schools, to ensure an educational process at European standards and to increase the participation of the school population in the educational process, while contributing to the achievement of horizontal objectives in the field of equal opportunities, environmental protection and sustainable development. Today’s educational market conditions (increasing the number of bidders, globalisation, the emergence of new forms of education, the transformation of schools into mainstream education institutions, etc.) make ensuring the quality of a school’s services a major factor in determining its competitiveness and attractiveness. This project promotes an investment in order to encourage school education and increase the number of pupils, as well as to raise their performance levels. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 14 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 15:41, 14 September 2021

Project Q2746227 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q2746227 in Romania


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    12,182,847.04 Romanian Leu
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    2,436,569.408 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    14,332,761.23 Romanian Leu
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    2,866,552.2460000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    1 October 2016
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    31 May 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului îl constituie îmbunatatirea infrastructurii educationale, conducând la cresterea calitatii educationale si a accesului la educatia obligatorie în Liceului Tehnologic Gheorghe Pop de Băsești din Orașul Cehu Silvaniei. Proiectul prezentat în aceasta Cerere de finantare contribuie în mod semnificativ la atingerea obiectivului POR 10.2 (Cresterea gradului de participare la învatamântul profesional si tehnic si învatare pe tot parcursul vietii), deoarece vizeaza îmbunatatirea calitatii în educatie, îmbunatatirea accesului la educatie de calitate al copiilor din învatamântul profesional si tehnic si învatare pe tot parcursul vietii. Cladirile reabilitate, amenajarea si imprejmuire incinta, conform prezentului proiect va corespunde normelor în vigoare si practic va fi asimilabila unei constructii noi cu aceeasi destinatie: cladire pentru învatamântul tenic liceal. Astfel învatamântului tehnic liceal se va putea desfasura în conditii optime, devenind atractiv pentru tineretul tinta inclusiv prin utilizarea tehnologiilor actuale în toate domeniile de pregatire pe care le acopera. Nivelul de educație este factor-cheie al dezvoltării naționale, deoarece determină în mare măsură activitatea economică și productivitatea, precum și mobilitatea forţei de muncă, creând premisele, pe termen lung, pentru existenţa unui nivel mai ridicat de trai și de calitate a vieții. Având în vedere tendințele demografice negative, profilul educațional al populației este o condiție esențială pentru o creștere inteligentă, durabilă și favorabilă incluziunii. Acest deziderat nu se poate realiza însă fără o infrastructură adecvată/corespunzătoare. Infrastructura educațională este esențială pentru construirea de abilități sociale, dezvoltarea competenţelor profesionale și a capacității de integrare socio-profesională. Analizele socio-economice evidențiază relația cauzală între nivelul de dezvoltare a capacităților forței de muncă și starea infrastructurii (existența spațiilor și dotărilor adecvate) în care se desfășoară procesul de educaţie şi formare profesională. Obiectivele investiției sunt îmbunătăţirea calităţii infrastructurii de educaţie, a şcolilor, pentru asigurarea unui proces educaţional la standarde europene şi a creşterii participării populaţiei şcolare la procesul educațional, totodată participând la atingerea obiectivelor orizontale în domeniul egalităţii de şanse, protejarea mediului și dezvoltare durabilă. Condițiile existente astăzi pe piața educațională (creșterea numărului de ofertanți, globalizare, apariția unor noi forme de învățământ, transformarea școlilor în instituții care oferă învățământ de masă, etc), fac ca asigurarea calității serviciilor oferite de o școală să devină un factor major în determinarea competitivității și atractivității sale. Prezentul proiect promovează o investiţie în scopul încurajării educației școlare și creșterii numărului de elevi, precum și ridicarea nivelului de performanțe a acestora pr (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to improve the educational infrastructure, leading to increased educational quality and access to compulsory education in Gheorghe Pop de Basesti High School in Cehu Silvaniei City. The project presented in this application for funding contributes significantly to the achievement of the objective of ROP 10.2 (Enhancing the degree of participation in vocational and technical education and lifelong learning), because it aims to improve the quality of education, improve access to quality education for children from professional and technical education and lifelong learning. Rehabilitated buildings, arrangement and enclosure enclosure, according to the present project will comply with the norms in force and practically will be assimilable to a new construction with the same destination: high school tenic education building. Thus, high-school technical education will be able to take place in optimal conditions, becoming attractive to the target youth, including by using current technologies in all areas of training that it covers. The level of education is a key factor in national development, as it largely determines economic activity and productivity as well as labour mobility, creating the long-term prerequisites for a higher standard of living and quality of life. Given negative demographic trends, the educational profile of the population is a prerequisite for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. However, this cannot be achieved without adequate/appropriate infrastructure. Educational infrastructure is essential for building social skills, developing professional competences and capacity for socio-professional integration. Socio-economic analyses highlight the causal relationship between the level of capacity development of the workforce and the state of the infrastructure (the existence of adequate premises and facilities) in which the education and training process is carried out. The objectives of the investment are to improve the quality of education infrastructure, schools, to ensure an educational process at European standards and to increase the participation of the school population in the educational process, while contributing to the achievement of horizontal objectives in the field of equal opportunities, environmental protection and sustainable development. Today’s educational market conditions (increasing the number of bidders, globalisation, the emergence of new forms of education, the transformation of schools into mainstream education institutions, etc.) make ensuring the quality of a school’s services a major factor in determining its competitiveness and attractiveness. This project promotes an investment in order to encourage school education and increase the number of pupils, as well as to raise their performance levels. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Cehu Silvaniei, Romania
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