Revision history of "Promotion on international markets of a new product: universal use LED working lamp and promotion of the Polish product brand Wesem as a reliable supplier of advanced lighting products." (Q83197)

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12 October 2024

  • curprev 22:0022:00, 12 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 84,894 bytes −2 Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt
  • curprev 22:0022:00, 12 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 84,896 bytes +65 Set a claim value: summary (P836): Número de referência do programa de ajuda: SA 42799(2015/X) Objetivo do auxílio público:_Artigo 19.o O objetivo do projeto é promover a oferta de produtos do requerente e, ao mesmo tempo, a marca económica polaca nos mercados internacionais, incluindo, acima de tudo, os mercados potenciais referidos no programa de promoção da indústria — Programa de promoção da indústria automóvel e de peças para aviação através da realização de atividades promocion...

7 March 2024

12 January 2024

14 June 2023

11 June 2023

24 May 2023

2 March 2023

  • curprev 21:3121:31, 2 March 2023DG Regio talk contribs 82,437 bytes +910 Changed label, description and/or aliases in sk, it, da, el, sv, ro, hu, fi, lv, fr, cs, ga, et, pt, lt, mt, es, hr, de, sl, nl, bg, and other parts

27 October 2022

26 October 2022

22 October 2022

26 July 2022

  • curprev 02:3702:37, 26 July 2022DG Regio talk contribs 79,416 bytes +51,394 Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et,

19 January 2022

15 January 2022

16 December 2021

7 December 2021

30 November 2021

  • curprev 14:5514:55, 30 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 16,710 bytes +2,690 Created claim: summary (P836): Reference_Aid_programme: SA 42799(2015/X) Purpose_public_aid:_art.19 Le projet a pour objet de promouvoir l’offre de produits de la requérante et, en même temps, la marque polonaise de l’économie sur les marchés internationaux, y compris, surtout, les marchés tournés vers l’avenir mentionnés dans le programme de promotion de l’industrie — Programme de promotion de l’industrie automobile et des pièces d’aviation par la mise en œuvre d’activités p...
  • curprev 14:5514:55, 30 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 14,020 bytes +283 Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label

29 October 2020

14 October 2020

  • curprev 12:0012:00, 14 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 14,177 bytes +245 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: translated_label
  • curprev 12:0012:00, 14 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,932 bytes −265 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: remove_english_label
  • curprev 12:0012:00, 14 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 14,197 bytes +2,520 Created claim: summary (P836): Reference number of the aid programme: SA 42799(2015/X) Purpose of public aid:_Art.19 The object of the project is to promote the Applicant’s product offer and at the same time the Polish Economy Brand on international markets, including, above all, the prospective markets referred to in the Industry Promotion Programme – Programme of Promotion of the automotive and aviation parts industry through the implementation of promotional activities pro...
  • curprev 12:0012:00, 14 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 11,677 bytes −1,920 Removed claim: summary (P836): Reference_reference_programme_aids:SA 42799 (2015/X) The main project is the promotion of the Applicant’s output and, at the same time, the Polish Ministry of Economy on international markets, including in particular the prospective markets referred to in the Industry Promotion Programme, the promotion programme for the automotive and aviation parts industry by implementing the promotion measures provided for in the programme.The scope of the...

23 September 2020

22 June 2020

9 June 2020

7 June 2020

26 March 2020

4 March 2020

  • curprev 09:5309:53, 4 March 2020DG Regio talk contribs 12,315 bytes +1,920 Created claim: summary (P836): Reference_reference_programme_aids:SA 42799 (2015/X) The main project is the promotion of the Applicant’s output and, at the same time, the Polish Ministry of Economy on international markets, including in particular the prospective markets referred to in the Industry Promotion Programme, the promotion programme for the automotive and aviation parts industry by implementing the promotion measures provided for in the programme.The scope of the pr...

18 February 2020

8 February 2020

31 January 2020

14 January 2020