Revision history of "Special mechanisation Brdo" (Q65432)

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

12 October 2024

  • curprev 20:4920:49, 12 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 48,186 bytes +3 Set a claim value: summary (P836): A transformação do empreendedorismo numa empresa social, que dá a oportunidade de empregar pessoas menos aplicáveis no mercado de trabalho. O objeto da atividade é o aluguer e o serviço de mecanização especial concebida para a construção de condutas e o serviço completo, a regulação e a reparação de mecanismos especiais – dobradores, amêndoas, centros e outras máquinas destinadas especialmente à construção de condutas para outros clientes.

23 March 2024

15 January 2024

19 June 2023

11 June 2023

17 February 2023

24 July 2022

  • curprev 19:1919:19, 24 July 2022DG Regio talk contribs 45,001 bytes +25,839 Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, pl, sl, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et, cs, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, pl, sl, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et,

15 January 2022

14 January 2022

13 December 2021

2 December 2021

28 November 2021

  • curprev 23:5323:53, 28 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 13,593 bytes +1,337 Created claim: summary (P836): La transformation de l’esprit d’entreprise en entreprise sociale, qui donne la possibilité d’employer des personnes moins employables sur le marché du travail. Le sujet de l’entreprise est la location et le service de mécanisation spéciale conçue pour la construction de pipelines et le service complexe, l’ajustement et la réparation de mécanisation spéciale — machines à plier, mandrins, centres et autres machines conçues spécialement pour la con...
  • curprev 23:5323:53, 28 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 12,256 bytes +87 Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label

27 December 2020

29 October 2020

23 October 2020

  • curprev 13:3713:37, 23 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 12,618 bytes +85 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: translated_label
  • curprev 13:3713:37, 23 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 12,533 bytes −92 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: remove_english_label
  • curprev 13:3713:37, 23 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 12,625 bytes +1,275 Created claim: summary (P836): The transformation of entrepreneurship into a social enterprise, which gives the opportunity to employ people less applicable in the labour market. The subject of business is the rental and service of special mechanisation designed for construction of pipelines and comprehensive service, adjustment and repair of special mechanisms – benders, almonds, centers and other machines intended especially for the construction of pipelines to other custom...
  • curprev 13:3713:37, 23 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 11,350 bytes −842 Removed claim: summary (P836): The transformation of entrepreneurship into a social enterprise, which gives the opportunity to recruit people worse off on the labour market. The purpose of the business is the leasing and servicing of special machinery intended for the construction of pipelines and a comprehensive service, the adjustment and repair of special machinery — bent, almond, centralers and other machines intended principally for the construction of product pipeline...

17 July 2020

7 June 2020

25 March 2020

26 February 2020

  • curprev 12:2812:28, 26 February 2020DG Regio talk contribs 10,901 bytes +842 Created claim: summary (P836): The transformation of entrepreneurship into a social enterprise, which gives the opportunity to recruit people worse off on the labour market. The purpose of the business is the leasing and servicing of special machinery intended for the construction of pipelines and a comprehensive service, the adjustment and repair of special machinery — bent, almond, centralers and other machines intended principally for the construction of product pipelines...

17 February 2020

12 February 2020

6 February 2020

30 January 2020

28 January 2020

16 January 2020

11 January 2020