Revision history of "Thermal rehabilitation of the city of Galon d’Eau in Roubaix" (Q3688957)

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9 October 2024

  • curprev 13:1613:16, 9 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 48,384 bytes +5 Set a claim value: summary (P836): Villogia quer reabilitar a Cidade do Galão da Água em Roubaix. Trata-se de 111 habitações coletivas de vários tipos: 58 T2 E 53 T3. Esta operação de reabilitação é essencialmente térmica, destina-se a reduzir os custos de aquecimento e produção de água quente em 70 %. A reabilitação é global e centra-se no desempenho energético do edifício (isolamento de fachadas do exterior, refecção e isolamento de telhados, modernização de instalações elétricas,...

22 March 2024

12 January 2024

19 June 2023

12 June 2023

8 June 2023

11 August 2022

  • curprev 20:0720:07, 11 August 2022DG Regio talk contribs 44,695 bytes +30,019 Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, ro, sv, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, ro, sv,

14 January 2022

13 January 2022

6 December 2021

1 December 2021

  • curprev 09:0409:04, 1 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 10,045 bytes +1,426 Created claim: summary (P836): Villogia möchte die Stadt der Wasser Gallon in Roubaix rehabilitieren. Es handelt sich um 111 Mehrfamilienhäuser unterschiedlicher Typologie: 58 T2 UND 53 T3. Diese Sanierung ist überwiegend thermisch und zielt darauf ab, die Kosten für Heizung und Warmwasser um 70 % zu senken. Die Sanierung ist umfassend und zielt in erster Linie auf die Gesamtenergieeffizienz des Gebäudes ab (Isolierung der Fassaden von außen, Wiedereinbau und Dämmung der Däch...

27 November 2021

  • curprev 13:0413:04, 27 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 8,619 bytes −1,503 Removed claim: summary (P836): Villogia souhaite réhabiliter la Cité du Gallon d’eau à Roubaix. Il s’agit de 111 Logements collectifs de typologie diverse: 58 T2 ET 53 T3. Cette opération de réhabilitation est principalement thermique, elle ambitionne une baisse de 70 % des charges liées au chauffage et à la production d’eau chaude. La réhabilitaion est globale et vise principalement la performance énergétique du bâtiment (Isolation des frontas par l‚extérieur, la refection...
  • curprev 00:3000:30, 27 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 10,122 bytes +1,503 Created claim: summary (P836): Villogia souhaite réhabiliter la Cité du Gallon d’eau à Roubaix. Il s’agit de 111 Logements collectifs de typologie diverse: 58 T2 ET 53 T3. Cette opération de réhabilitation est principalement thermique, elle ambitionne une baisse de 70 % des charges liées au chauffage et à la production d’eau chaude. La réhabilitaion est globale et vise principalement la performance énergétique du bâtiment (Isolation des frontas par l‚extérieur, la refection e...

26 November 2021

24 November 2021

18 November 2021

  • curprev 19:2019:20, 18 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 8,074 bytes +121 Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label
  • curprev 19:2019:20, 18 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 7,953 bytes +1,392 Created claim: summary (P836): Villogia wants to rehabilitate the City of Gallon of Water in Roubaix. These are 111 collective dwellings of various types: 58 T2 AND 53 T3. This rehabilitation operation is mainly thermal, it aims to reduce the costs of heating and the production of hot water by 70 %. The rehabilitaion is global and focuses on the energy performance of the building (Isolation of facades from the outside, refection and insulation of roofs, upgrading of electrica...

17 November 2021