Revision history of "Thermal rehabilitation of housing blocks from Ramnicu Valcea: S15, S16, 95, H, 13" (Q2744335)

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9 October 2024

  • curprev 21:1121:11, 9 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 66,429 bytes +3 Set a claim value: summary (P836): O objetivo geral do projeto foi estabelecido em consonância com os objetivos do Programa Operacional Regional, Eixo Prioritário 3 – Apoio à transição para uma economia hipocarbónica, Prioridade de Investimento 3.1, Operação Edifícios Residenciais A. O projeto subscreve o objetivo do POR de aumentar a competitividade económica e melhorar as condições de vida das comunidades locais e regionais, apoiando o desenvolvimento do ambiente empresarial, das i...

26 June 2024

  • curprev 08:1308:13, 26 June 2024DG Regio talk contribs 66,426 bytes +26 Set a claim value: summary (P836): L’objectif global du projet a été fixé conformément aux objectifs du programme opérationnel régional, axe prioritaire 3 — soutenir la transition vers une économie à faible intensité de carbone, priorité d’investissement 3.1, opération A — Bâtiments résidentiels. Le projet souscrit à l’objectif ROP d’accroître la compétitivité économique et d’améliorer les conditions de vie des communautés locales et régionales, en soutenant le développement de l’env...

12 March 2024

10 June 2023

21 February 2023

28 July 2022

  • curprev 06:5206:52, 28 July 2022DG Regio talk contribs 67,151 bytes +41,494 Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, sv, nl, fr, de, it, ro, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, sv,

13 January 2022

12 January 2022

15 December 2021

5 December 2021

1 December 2021

  • curprev 07:1607:16, 1 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 18,717 bytes +2,175 Created claim: summary (P836): Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts wurde im Einklang mit den Zielen des regionalen operationellen Programms, Prioritätsachse 3 – Unterstützung des Übergangs zu einer CO2-armen Wirtschaft, Investitionspriorität 3.1, Betrieb A-Wohngebäude, festgelegt. Das Projekt schließt sich dem ROP-Ziel an, die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern und die Lebensbedingungen der lokalen und regionalen Gemeinschaften zu verbessern, indem sie die Entwickl...
  • curprev 07:1607:16, 1 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 16,542 bytes +135 Changed label, description and/or aliases in de: translated_label

26 November 2021

  • curprev 14:1114:11, 26 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 16,407 bytes +2,199 Created claim: summary (P836): Stabilirea obiectivului general al proiectului s-a facut în concordanţă cu obiectivele Programului Operaţional Regional, Axa prioritară 3 — sprijinirea tranziţiei către o economie cu emisii scăzute de carbon, Prioritatea de investiţii 3.1, Operaţiunea A- Clădiri rezidenţiale. Proiectul se subscrie obiectivului POR de creștere a competitivității economice și îmbunătătăirea condițiilor de viață ale COMUNITăILOR locale și regionale, prin sprijinire...
  • curprev 09:3209:32, 26 November 2021DG Regio talk contribs 14,208 bytes +147 Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label

6 October 2021

5 October 2021

27 September 2021

23 September 2021

17 September 2021

15 September 2021

14 September 2021

21 June 2021

17 June 2021

  • curprev 11:5211:52, 17 June 2021DG Regio talk contribs 10,322 bytes +140 Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label
  • curprev 11:5211:52, 17 June 2021DG Regio talk contribs 10,182 bytes +1,180 Created claim: summary (P836): Thus, the project aims specifically to increase the energy efficiency of 5 blocks of housing in Râmnicu Valcea.This will contribute to reducing energy poverty (fuel poverty) in Râmnicu Valcea, by reducing the costs of heating the population, especially those with low incomes, which will help improve the purchasing power of disadvantaged social categories, translated_summary

15 June 2021