Revision history of "Academy of Social and Vocational Activity in Mrągow" (Q133390)

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

8 October 2024

  • curprev 18:4218:42, 8 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 87,517 bytes −1 Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt
  • curprev 18:4218:42, 8 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 87,518 bytes +46 Set a claim value: summary (P836): Objectivo do projecto Aumentar, no período de 1.1.2019 a 30.12.2020, o nível de actividade social e profissional de 32 pessoas (39K, 13M), residentes na cidade de Mrągowo, distrito de Mrągowski, voivodato de Warmia-Mazury, em risco de pobreza ou exclusão social, através da implementação de uma implementação abrangente e individualizada baseada no caminho de reintegração criado para cada Participante do Projecto, apoio sob a forma de implementação de...

22 March 2024

15 January 2024

14 June 2023

9 June 2023

24 May 2023

2 March 2023

  • curprev 20:2420:24, 2 March 2023DG Regio talk contribs 83,937 bytes −1,221 Changed label, description and/or aliases in lv, it, sk, da, fi, el, fr, bg, pt, ro, et, ga, hu, sl, cs, hr, mt, sv, es, nl, lt, de, and other parts

25 October 2022

21 October 2022

2 July 2022

  • curprev 23:1823:18, 2 July 2022DG Regio talk contribs 83,483 bytes +53,720 Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et,

18 January 2022

15 January 2022

17 December 2021

9 December 2021

2 December 2021

  • curprev 12:3112:31, 2 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 17,896 bytes +2,926 Created claim: summary (P836): Objectif du projet d’augmenter le niveau d’activité sociale et professionnelle de 32 personnes (39K, 13M), des résidents de la ville de Mrągowo, du district de Mrągowski, de la voïvodie de Warmińsko-Mazurskie, exposées au risque de pauvreté ou d’exclusion sociale au cours de la période allant du 1er janvier 2019 au 30.12.2020, grâce à la mise en œuvre d’un parcours de réinsertion complet et individualisé pour chaque participant au projet, un sou...
  • curprev 12:3112:31, 2 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 14,970 bytes +123 Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label

29 October 2020

21 October 2020

  • curprev 18:1218:12, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 15,286 bytes +111 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: translated_label
  • curprev 18:1218:12, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 15,175 bytes −108 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: remove_english_label
  • curprev 18:1218:12, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 15,283 bytes +2,718 Created claim: summary (P836): Project objective To increase in the period 1.01.2019-30.12.2020 the level of social and occupational activity of 32 people (39K, 13M), residents of the town of Mrągowo, Mrągowski district, Warmia-Mazury voivodship, at risk of poverty or social exclusion through implementation of comprehensive and individualised implementation based on the path of reintegration created for each Participant of the Project, support in the form of implementation of...
  • curprev 18:1218:12, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 12,565 bytes −2,253 Removed claim: summary (P836): The objective of the PReference project, in the period 1.01.2019-30.12.2020, of the level of social and professional activity of 32 people (39K, 13M), the inhabitants of the city of Mrągowski, the district of mrągowski, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province, at risk of poverty or social exclusion by implementing a comprehensive and individual pathway based on the reintegration path created for each of the participants in the project, support in the for...

15 July 2020

10 June 2020

7 June 2020

26 March 2020

10 March 2020

  • curprev 20:2620:26, 10 March 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,092 bytes +2,253 Created claim: summary (P836): The objective of the PReference project, in the period 1.01.2019-30.12.2020, of the level of social and professional activity of 32 people (39K, 13M), the inhabitants of the city of Mrągowski, the district of mrągowski, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province, at risk of poverty or social exclusion by implementing a comprehensive and individual pathway based on the reintegration path created for each of the participants in the project, support in the form...

25 February 2020

18 February 2020

31 January 2020

14 January 2020