Revision history of "Launch of a new generation of ultralight, flame-resistant sandwich panels" (Q123275)

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10 October 2024

  • curprev 05:2605:26, 10 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 63,391 bytes −12 Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt
  • curprev 05:2605:26, 10 October 2024DG Regio talk contribs 63,403 bytes +32 Set a claim value: summary (P836): Este projeto envolve a implementação da tecnologia de painéis sanduíche ultraleves e resistentes ao fogo (EI120) com um núcleo de densidade reduzida de lã mineral que não é utilizada em qualquer parte do mundo. É uma solução única resultante do trabalho de I & D da empresa e do Instituto de Tecnologia da Construção. A vantagem desta solução em relação à tecnologia comum até à data consiste principalmente numa redução significativa (de cerca de 30 %)...

7 March 2024

15 January 2024

12 June 2023

24 May 2023

2 March 2023

  • curprev 22:2822:28, 2 March 2023DG Regio talk contribs 60,613 bytes −121 Changed label, description and/or aliases in sl, nl, da, it, sk, ga, et, mt, bg, lv, cs, lt, pt, fi, fr, de, sv, el, ro, es, hu, hr, and other parts

25 October 2022

21 October 2022

2 July 2022

  • curprev 19:4219:42, 2 July 2022DG Regio talk contribs 59,063 bytes +35,948 Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts: Adding translations: da, el, hr, ro, sk, mt, pt, fi, sl, cs, lt, lv, bg, hu, ga, sv, et,

18 January 2022

15 January 2022

17 December 2021

8 December 2021

2 December 2021

  • curprev 08:2208:22, 2 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 15,098 bytes +1,941 Created claim: summary (P836): Ce projet consiste en la mise en œuvre de la technologie de production de panneaux sandwich ultra-légers et ignifuges (EI120) à noyau de laine minérale à faible densité, qui n’est utilisé nulle part dans le monde. Il s’agit d’une solution unique résultant des travaux de R & D de l’entreprise et de l’Institut de technologie de la construction. L’avantage de cette solution par rapport à la technologie utilisée à ce jour réside principalement dans...
  • curprev 08:2208:22, 2 December 2021DG Regio talk contribs 13,157 bytes +174 Changed label, description and/or aliases in fr: translated_label

29 October 2020

21 October 2020

  • curprev 09:5009:50, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,422 bytes +132 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: translated_label
  • curprev 09:5009:50, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,290 bytes −150 Changed label, description and/or aliases in 1 language: remove_english_label
  • curprev 09:5009:50, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 13,440 bytes +1,766 Created claim: summary (P836): This project involves the implementation of the technology of ultralight, fire-resistant (EI120) sandwich panels with a reduced density core of mineral wool which is not used anywhere in the world. It is a unique solution resulting from the R & D work of the company and the Institute of Construction Technology. The advantage of this solution over the common technology so far consists primarily of a significant reduction (by approx. 30 %) mass of...
  • curprev 09:5009:50, 21 October 2020DG Regio talk contribs 11,674 bytes −1,282 Removed claim: summary (P836): This undertaking consists of the placing on the market of no worldwide technology for the production of ultra-light, fire-resistant (EI120) sandwich panels with a high-density mineral wool core. This is a unique solution resulting from the work of R & D of the company and of the Institute of Construction Technology. The advantage of this solution over well established technology lies primarily in a significant reduction (by ca. 30 %) m² of sla...

17 July 2020

22 June 2020

10 June 2020

6 June 2020

26 March 2020

10 March 2020

  • curprev 10:2110:21, 10 March 2020DG Regio talk contribs 11,230 bytes +1,282 Created claim: summary (P836): This undertaking consists of the placing on the market of no worldwide technology for the production of ultra-light, fire-resistant (EI120) sandwich panels with a high-density mineral wool core. This is a unique solution resulting from the work of R & D of the company and of the Institute of Construction Technology. The advantage of this solution over well established technology lies primarily in a significant reduction (by ca. 30 %) m² of slabs...

25 February 2020

18 February 2020

31 January 2020

14 January 2020